
I am blocked with a QPSK problem that I would like to share, and maybe you will 
find my mistake.

I have build a QPSK transciever based the gnuradio tutorial for a project. The 
Tx part is not done by myself modulation is already made, I just have to emit 
the signal. Here is the spec :
Bitrate : 2Mbps
Sym rate : 1 Mbps
 Symbol Oversampling ratio: 9
Hardware: USRP b200mini
The data send are two symbol, exactly 0x22 or 00 10 00 10 repeatly

The reception use a LimeSDR. This part receive de signal but I can clearly see 
the the lock on is not working. I post some image of my flograph:

Flowgraph: https://ibb.co/fJQxSo 

Data sent: https://ibb.co/mLJvDT 

Data received: https://ibb.co/dLNcSo 

My questions are:
- How can I correctly lock the rotation? Playing with the “loop bandwidth does 
not really affect it”.
- I feel like my sample rate are wrong, when I see the “received data”, it is 
like the point moving constantly on the circle of the phase and then shift the 
signal slowly and at the end I lost the good lock of my constellation. Is it 

Thanks in advance and it needs more explaination, let me know I will post it.



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