Hello Ji-yeon,

I think the best way to help you forward here is point out that the
description of the block is very close to actually being an
algorithmical description of what you need to do!
So, maybe you're just missing the tools to build your own blocks and
use the existing blocks; in that case, the GNU Radio guided tutorials
help you very far, as they introduce you to writing Python blocks,
adding tags and using existing blocks.


It's recommendable to read these tutorials in the right order.

Best regards,

On Wed, 2018-06-06 at 02:33 +0900, 김지연 wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you so much for your replying.
> I'm sorry, but could you explain more about a small embedded python
> block which does peak detect and adds tags with the frequency
> information then display using the vector sink?
> Or could you show me a similar example?
> Are there any sites to refer to?
> Best regards,
> Ji-yeon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Derek Kozel"<derek.ko...@ettus.com> 
> To: "김지연"<bright_bl...@naver.com>; 
> Cc: "GNURadio Discussion List"<discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>; 
> Sent: 2018-05-28 (월) 20:52:51
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] How can I obtain the frequency value
> from WX GUI FFT Sink block?
> Hello,
> No, there are no automatic peak search markers in the GUI toolkits at
> the moment. It's a frequently requested feature though so we'd be
> eager to merge any implementations into GNU Radio.
> The WX GUI widgets are deprecated and will be removed fairly soon.
> I'd recommend moving over to the QT widgets. For your application it
> would be possible to use the FFT block into a small embedded python
> block which does peak detect and adds tags with the frequency
> information then display using the vector sink.
> Regards, 
> Derek 
> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:15 AM, 김지연 <bright_bl...@naver.com> wrote:
> > How can I obtain the frequency value from WX GUI FFT Sink block
> > graph??
> > As in the picture, the frequency that have high power(dB) like
> > 1.39199MHz, 1.57356MHz, 3.26816MHz.
> > Are there other options except moving mouse to that location??? 
> > 
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