Classic bluetooth frequency hops on 79 channels.

Ask on ubertooth mailing list - I believe the person who wrote
gr-bluetooth is on the mailing - and may be the author of ubertooth.

-- Cinaed

On 05/04/2018 12:55 AM, Coundjidapadame Vikenesh wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I am currently working on a project which aim to detect Bluetooth and
> decode Bluetooth packets (I use a Hack RF One to make the detection). I
> have made a Gnuradio Flowgraph in order to demodulate Bluetooth signal
> and I am trying to decode visualy the packets by searching a Bluetooth
> frame on a binary file.
> Unfortunately, I didn't succeed to recover a clear view of the Bluetooth
> signal. To be precise, I am pretty sure that I detect Bluetooth on my
> sinks but when sending this to a Clock Recovery + Binary Slicer blocks,
> I am unable to recover interresting data in the binary file (especially
> the MAC adress of the sending device, which is part of the a Bluetooth
> packet). Moreover, I would like to know what type of network layer
> (physical, transport, baseband...) is intercepted in this type of
> process. In my case, I aim to intercept baseband layer packets.
> Could you please, give me your view, opinion about this problem ? I am
> stucked at this stage without knowing the exact origin of my issue. (I
> have enclosed my flowgraph and a screenshot of one of my Bluetooth
> detection if you want to take a look at my work).
> Thank you very much,
> Best regards
> Vikenesh
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