Hi Marcus,

Thank you for your inputs.

On 13 March 2018 at 22:22, Müller, Marcus (CEL) <muel...@kit.edu> wrote:

> Hi Anshul,
> do you normalize your correlation by the received signal power in that
> same window?

No. I wasn't normalizing the correlations. I'm using the image attached as
reference design.
I guess I got a little excited to see the peaks in Matlab that I did not
even consider the energy of the signal as a possible normalization
denominator.  :D


> How's your frequency correction doing? If you don't have frequency
> detection at that point, your signal might get decorrelated.

The preamble detection step itself is supposed to find a coarse
frequency-offset which must be
further refined by correlation with the Carrier-Distribution-Sequence(cds)
in the next step. So, no, currently, there is no frequency correction as
per se.

> You can solve both by employing a fixed delay correlation of your
> receive signal; IIRC, P1 is roughly split into three parts: A middle
> part that repeats in the front and at the end of the symbol. Let's say
> that repeated part in the front is N samples long. Take these N,
> correlate with the N that follow, divide by the power of these samples.

Correct. I was not dividing by the power. I did that and the slopes have
become more smooth except occasional blips over a single sample.
I am correcting for these occasional blips by comparing my current value
with the running average a small previous window (5 samples currently), the
reasoning being -
If the signal is rising fairly consistently, the current value will be
greater than the average of what came in the short term past.
By doing so, I am able to get a coarse window of prospective sample ranges
where the signal might be starting.

I will now try to filter them further by correlating with the CDS and
revert back if I run into more trouble. Many thanks!

> You'll not only get a value that should be independent from absolute
> receive signal strength (as long as fading is not faster than ¼ of the
> P1 length), and as a bonus, the correlation coefficient's phase allows
> for a relatively robust frequency offset estimate. You can use that
> estimate to correct your receive signal and get a better detection
> result :)

Best regards,
> Marcus
> On Tue, 2018-03-13 at 20:38 +0530, Anshul Thakur wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am trying to implement a DVB-T2 receiver's P1 symbol detection block
> using C++ in GNURadio. From a non-real time code in MATLAB, I can see that
> the correlation peaks during the P1 symbols are almost 50 to 100 times
> larger than the rest of the time. This rise is not steep in consecutive
> samples.
> >
> > However, I am having trouble in implementing this as a kind of
> stream-algorithm that operates on blocks of data (like a real receiver
> would) rather than the entire thing (in GNU Radio, that is). The problem is
> thus:
> >
> > I want to detect when the signal correlation reaches its peak-plateau
> region. While the overall trend in correlations does rise, the consecutive
> values may fluctuate in both positive and negative directions due to
> noise/fading effects. I've tried a few rudimentary approaches:
> >
> > 1. Average the correlations over some period and see if the current
> average is greater than some sample at an offset in the history by a
> threshold value to term it as rising. While it can give some degree of
> rise, it is not very good at peak detection.
> >
> > 2. Keep a history of consecutive slopes in my block and use a small
> average. The fluctuations should die down and give some value near to 0.
> This doesn't seem to happen. The results are not satisfactory. Also, the
> consecutive slopes are also not that spectacular to contrast with the
> average case.
> >
> > Possibly, I need to use some smoothening and differentiator filter. Can
> you point to a sample implementation of a similar kind? Or give some more
> ideas I could experiment with?
> >
> >
> > Warm regards,
> > Anshul
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