Hi Roman,

On Wed, 2018-03-14 at 11:21 +0300, Roman wrote:
> Marcus, many thanks again!
> It seems that I am on the right way, at least with calculations. :)Lets 
> continue with your thought-provoking questions.
> " Is your received signal real-valued?" No, I put the "complex-to-mag" block 
> before.

Wait, are we looking for variance of your signal, or variance of your signal's 

> Regarding the final goal.I would like to evaluate the channel characteristics 
> for the same bursty packet signal in channels with different propagation 
> characteristics.For example in environment with multipath propagation will 
> cause signal fading (at least, it should). I would like to evaluate how deep 
> the fading is by calculating the variance of the received signal level.Is it 
> a right approach?

I'd argue you want to build a correlation receiver!

> Or can you advise better alternatives of using gnuradio for such purpose?
Yep, send a sequence  (for example, a pseudorandom sequence in a signal source).

In the receiver, correlate against that sequence. Since correlation is
mathematically related to convolution, you can implement that correlation by
employing a filter. As taps, use the conjugate complex time-reversed . If
your sequence  was real-valued to begin with, conjugation is a non-operation,
and you can just use reversed() as filter taps. It's not uncommon for  to
just be a white alternation of -1 and +1.

The output will be the correlation coefficient for every sample delay between 
receive signal and reference sequence.

Since receive signal is (neglecting frequency offset, working in discrete 
domain, be sure you understand what that implies):

with  being the transmit signal and  being the channel response. The
output of the filter will hence be

You can, if your finit  was perfectly white, directly read the channel impulse 
response from that. The longe , the “whiter” it can get, and the  better the 
SNR of your estimate becomes. However, choosing a  is limited by  the channel 
coherence (i.e. the inverse of doppler spread) and computational limits (but 
these are surprisingly OK, assuming highly accelerated filters like GNU Radio 
has them, and sufficiently fast PCs/laptops).

Best regards,

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