Dear Sumit,

this is by no means a GNU Radio question – it's not even a C++
question, it's quintessentially a question about what the "extern"
keyword in C means. I'm not sure I should be giving you an intro to C
visibility, object linking and storage, because that will quickly
exceed the scope of both this list and what you're trying to solve.

So, with you being the only one that actually has that code in front of
you, knowing what it does and knowing how you want to structure your
C++ GNU Radio program, I'd like to refer you to the usual sources
(wikipedia "External Variable", "Mixing C and C++") for your
own reading pleasure!

Best regards,

On Tue, 2018-01-23 at 16:00 +0100, sumit kumar wrote:
> I am translating one program C program to GNU Radio. In that C program, in 
> the main(), at the very beginning, some initializer functions were called 
> which populated some arrays. 
> These arrays were then used in other function using extern 
> How should I do this in GNU radio ? 
> Sumit 
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