Ettus Research will be running a series of free, hands-on,
technical workshops in the Los Angeles area.

USRP, UHD, GNU Radio Workshop
Tuesday December 12, from 09:00 to 17:00
El Segundo, California, USA

RFNoC Workshop
Wednesday December 13, from 09:00 to 16:00
El Segundo, California, USA

USRP, UHD, GNU Radio Workshop
Thursday December 14, from 09:00 to 17:00
Santa Ana, California, USA

RFNoC Workshop
Friday December 15, from 09:00 to 16:00
Santa Ana, California, USA

Descriptions of the Workshops:

Introduction to the USRP, UHD, and GNU Radio (Open-Source Toolchain)

This workshop will provide a thorough and practical introduction to
the USRP hardware and the open-source software toolchain (UHD and
GNU Radio). We will examine the hardware and architecture of the
entire USRP family of software-defined radios. We will discuss topics
such as how to get started using a new USRP device, how to install and
configure the open-source software toolchain, programming the USRP
using the UHD API from C++, using GNU Radio with the USRP and creating
and running flowgraphs, using GNU Radio from both GRC and Python, and
various debugging techniques. Several exercises will be performed,
such as implementing an FM transmitter and receiver. Various
demonstrations of wireless systems will be shown. A discussion of the
embedded E310 radio and using embedded SDR will be included. Several
other open-source tools will be discussed, such as GQRX, Fosphor,
Inspectrum, and several Out-of-Tree (OOT) modules. A discussion of
cellular applications, including OpenBTS and LTE stacks, as well as
GPS/GNSS applications will be presented. Several other miscellaneous
topics such as 10 Gigabit Ethernet networking, host system performance
tuning, X300/X310 device recovery, and some best practices will be
discussed. Attendees should come away with a solid foundation and
practical understanding of how to configure, program, and use the USRP
to implement a wide range range of wireless systems.

FPGA Programming on the USRP with the RFNoC Framework

Ettus Research's RFNoC (RF Network-on-Chip) software framework is
designed to decrease the development time for experienced FPGA
engineers seeking to integrate IP into the USRP FPGA signal
processing chain. RFNoC is the framework for USRP devices that use
Xilinx 7-series FPGAs (E310, E312, X300, X310). RFNoC is built around
a packetized network infrastructure in the FPGA that handles the
transport of control and sample data between the host CPU and the
radio. Users target their custom algorithms to the FPGA in the form
of Computation Engines (CE), which are processing blocks that attach
to this network. CEs act as independent nodes on the network that can
receive and transmit data to any other node (e.g., another CE, the
radio block, or the host CPU).  Users can create modular,
FPGA-accelerated SDR applications by chaining CEs into a flow graph.
RFNoC is supported in UHD and GNU Radio. In this workshop, we will
present an interactive hands-on tutorial on RFNoC, including a
discussion on its design and capabilities, demonstrations of several
existing examples, and a walk-through on implementing a user-defined
CE and integrating the CE into GNU Radio.

Addresses of the two workshop locations:

AWR Corporation / National Instruments
1960 E Grand Avenue, Suite 430
El Segundo, California, 90245

1932 E Deere Avenue, Suite 110
Santa Ana, California, 92705

Details and Logistics:

* The workshops are free, technical, and hands-on.

* The content of the two sessions of the USRP, UHD, GNU Radio Workshop
and the RFNoC Workshop will be the same between El Segundo
and Santa Ana.

* Each day, coffee and donuts/bagels will be provided at 08:30,
as well as lunch around 12:00, and an afternoon snack.

* In both workshops, laptop computers and USRP radios will be
provided for use. Attendees do not need to bring or prepare anything.

* Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come,
first-serve basis.

* Registration is required in advance.
To register, please email "supp...@ettus.com".

* Be sure to specify your (1) full name, (2) email address,
(3) telephone number, (4) company/organization, and (5) which
workshop(s) you will attend.

* Your registration information will not be shared with any external
third-parties whatsoever.

* You are not considered to be registered until you have received
a confirmation email.

* For the USRP/GNU Radio Workshop, attendees should have some previous
experience with Linux and using the Linux command line, and basic
familiarity with a programming language such as C, C++, or Python,
and basic fundamental concepts in DSP and RF. For the RFNoC Workshop,
attendees should also have some basic familiarity with Verilog.
Extensive or deep experience with these topics is not necessary.

* Please email "supp...@ettus.com" if you have any questions.

* We look forward to seeing you there!

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