I am an old analogue radio person, and when I say analogue, I have repaired, 
set-up, put together systems that ranged from valve sets in the early days to  
these newfangled throw in the bin radios when they go faulty of today.  So I 
class myself as a dinosaur.

I am trying to get to grips with modern gear even this SDR lark'y, slowly 
going through tutorials, doing the smartgadgets tutorials installing the odd 
bit of software (DSD) to work with gnuradio.
I can only do so much before I get stuck.

I managed to get a flowgraph working quite well with DSD decoding  DMR channels 
I have used SDR# for a while to monitor customers gear when they say they are 
having issues.
So when today I got my own flowchart decoding DMR I was quite pleased.
In the workshop we have a Tier 3 DMR trunking system, just a few channels and 
it is going to be used for a demonstration to a customer.  

So to the point of the post, would it be of benefit to any developers with the 
intention of improving blocks, functionality etc if I offered the odd file sink 
of the radio systems for testing of software.

Whilst we have the demo system and it is not passing customers calls or 
sensitive information, it may be possible for me to record various call set-
ups voice calls etc for development use.  It would be better this than anyone 
trying to record live systems.


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