Dear Atif,

no, not directly. GNU Radio is software, FPGAs are hardware.

Generally, how do you expect us to answer such quite frankly obviously immensely broad questions? It's always better to ask a precise question that describes the problem (and that: exactly), then to ask about something large without any background info.

So, for a good question, you'd give:

 * Problem statement, as exact as possible. That might be something like
    > I need to transfer data using avian carriers. My colleagues have
   worked with pidgeons, but my hobby/thesis/job consists of porting
   their approach to eagles. However, my eagles constantly try to chew
   off the letters from the holder attached to their ankle.
 * Approach description, including your reasoning:
    > I'd like to try making these letters taste as much as hobbits, as
   research by [Tolkien1937] shows that eagles do not eat Hobbit.
 * Question, including explaining what you've researched so far, so
   that people don't explain things you already know:
    > My attempts to find hobbits have been hampered by the fact that
   they only occur naturally in Middle-earth, and very rarely in the
   Undying Lands. However, I've figured that you can assume that the
   taste of hobbits is dominated by their hairy feet. Thus, I'd like to
   ask: Where can I hire hairy-footed people to walk on my documents?

What /you/ are asking instead is:

> Dear Pidgeon Breeder's mailing list, did anyone find hairy-footed people, and can give me a guide to do so?

Which feels underexplained, absurd, at least partially off-topic and underresearched.

I think you can do better!

Best regards,

On 2017-10-26 13:02, Atif Javed wrote:
Is it possible to generate FPGA code using gnu radio if so than please guide me.

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