I have a B210 USRP board. My application requires one receiver and two
transmitter channels operating simultaneously.

The flow graph has one instance of  USRP Sink block with number of channels
configured to 2. The Subdev Spec is configured to "A:A A:B".

When I execute the flow graph, I get this runtime error as shown below.

I also tried creating two USRP Sink blocks with single channel each but one
with Subdev Spec as A:A and other as A:B. That one doesn't have any runtime
error, but I don't see the 2nd channel's Tx LED light up.

How do I configure the USRP sink blocks?

thread[thread-per-block[4]: <block gr uhd usrp sink (2)>]: RuntimeError:
b200: 2 RX 1 TX and 1 RX 2 TX configurations not possible

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