
On 10/19/2017 02:49 AM, Wen Cui wrote:
I followed the nic.sh file and your replies to others in the mail list. I 
really want to know whether it is only related to the TUN/TAP setup thing or it 
is related to the gnuradio code. I don’t know how to figure out the setup 
problem of the transceiver and where is the good place to ask this question. If 
you'd like to give me a hint, I will really appreciate about that.
//wireless card in PC1
Tap0, IP: MAC: 12:34:56:78:90:ab
wls5, IP: MAC: a8:96:8a:f6:d5:2e

//USRP connected the PC1 through Ethernet cable
enp10s0, IP: MAC: 40:6a:7f:bc:f2:2f
USRP, IP: MAC: 00:80:2f:0a:cf:68

//wireless card in PC2
wlp8s0, IP: MAC: 74:e7:0f:34:42:ba

I did the same config code as nic.sh does in PC1 but with changed IP and MAC 
address. I also set the arp and route things in PC2.

After I turn the tap0 up in PC1, I cannot PING PC1 anymore through PC2, and 
vice versa. The PC1 can hear the ICMP request from PC2, but cannot reply for 

If both PCs can send a ping, but both don't trigger a reply, it might just be that ICMP requests are ignored.

This can be changed with:

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all

If that's not the problem, start Wireshark on both sender and receiver and monitor the TUN/TAP interface only to better understand what's really going on. Maybe a frame is sent, but not received by the SDR or something like that.


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