Oops, I sent the incorrect flight_recorder.grc flow graph without the
integration block. Here's the one I referred in the email.


On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Terrance Pat <t...@email.arizona.edu> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am working on a project that requires the use of the USRP B210
> and GNU Radio to act as a receiver and record signals being
> transmitted from a RF source.
> Initially, I thought it would be as simple as just taking the UHD_USRP
> source and piping it to the file sink. However, it becomes apparent
> the file holding the raw data quickly becomes very large; on the order
> of gigabytes in a matter of minutes. It is expected that the receiver
> will be collecting data for several hours and our disk space in the
> receiver system is rather limited.
> One person suggested having the software
> accumulate or integrate the data samples after they've been FFTed for
> a predetermined duration of integration time before writing to disk to
> reduce the amount of overhead.
> In the attached flight_recorder.grc file, I insert an integration
> block between the USRP source and the file sink to do this, but using
> the flight_recorder_playback.grc to play back the signal shows that
> the sample rate is significantly reduced. Initially I thought
> decimation had something to do with the time duration the integration
> is done with the samples, but that was not the case and further
> research showed decimation is defined as reducing the sampling rate.
> I also tried the same approach in the attached flight_record_fft.grc
> flow graph with the difference being I pipe the raw data to the FFT
> block before running it through the integration block and writing to
> disk.
> Accumulating the data for some integration time should increase my
> signal to noise ratio, but that is not happening with my current
> approaches and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell the integration
> block to integrate over a constant time duration. Perhaps I
> misunderstood how the integration block works in GNU Radio.
> Is there another approach using standard blocks in GNU Radio for
> accumulating the FFTed data samples from a USRP source over a constant
> integration time before writing to disk?
> I am a novice when it comes to GNU Radio and any assistance is much 
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --
> Terrance

Attachment: flight_recorder.grc
Description: Binary data

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