Cinaed: Update your gr-lte GIT checkout & all of the "make test" errors
should be taken care of.

Johannes: You're welcome & thanks for being so responsive in getting PRs
dealt with. As of this morning (US/EST), gr-lte builds cleanly and
passes "make test" out of the box for me (in MacPorts; probably does
outside MacPorts now too).

As to why the OP was having issues with finding GRC blocks, I'd guess
that the issue is that the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX wasn't set, and hence
defaults to "/usr/local" IIRC. I doubt that the PYTHONPATH or GRC BLOCKS
PATH variable (whatever it is) were set to point there.

If I were the OP, I'd just use MacPorts to install gr-lte now that it's
there and working. The GRC blocks show up as hoped for /expected without
further effort.

Cheers! - MLD

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017, at 03:58 AM, Johannes Demel wrote:
> in previous versions of 'gr-lte' there were some issues with '*.dat' 
> files. These were remainders of an internal test. I removed those lines 
> and the QA tests should work now.
> I'd like to say thanks to MLD for issuing PRs to fix some bugs. And 
> Also, thanks to Marcus for his time to answer questions.
> Now, regarding the actual error with missing blocks. This seems to be an 
> installation problem. Did the tests pass with the latest version? Please 
> do a git pull master to get all the latest bugfixes. If the tests pass, 
> this is an installation issue.

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