Yeah, I know that feeling; hope you enjoy the GNU Radio ride :) !

Best regards,

On 08/07/2017 08:58 PM, Tarquin wrote:

Hi Marcus

Ooops sorry! I just clicked reply.. It was meant to be on the forum only!

I already did some reading the last few minutes on QT GUI discovered the… display tags and control panel options..

looks like by asking the question I found the answerby myself…..?..

I am a hardware guy forced into new thinking…a few years ago I had brief exposure to gnuradio.. it is moving fast J!!


*From:*Marcus Müller []
*Sent:* 07 August 2017 08:49 PM
*To:* Tarquin; GNURadio Discussion List
*Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] WX scope GUI channel tab error on windows

Dear Tarquin,

please try to keep discussions on the mailing list. Thanks :)
So, I don't really see what you're seeing, but rest assured, it does run live! When you go into the Block's properties, there's a complete tab labeled "Trigger". That might be what you're looking for? If you want to make adjustments during run time, try the middle mouse button on the plot itself.

Looking forward to your report tomorrow :)
It's totally OK to use windows; the Qt GUI stuff, as far as I know, works just as well under Windows as under Linux. However, the current Windows port of GNU Radio is rather young, and it's generally possible that some things are stranger under windows than under Linux.

If in doubt whether something is a windows problem or not: Try running a Linux in a VM! For example, you can get the VMWare Player for free, or VirtualBox, or maybe your windows version even comes with Hyper-V (but I've not tested that yet). You can get a fully working Linux image (that you could just as well write to a USB stick or a DVD) that you can boot from [1]. It comes with GNU Radio installed, and little else. That way, no need to install Linux anywhere, but full testing capabilities :)

Best regards,


On 08/07/2017 08:36 PM, Tarquin wrote:

    Hi Marcus

    How do I set triggers in QT time sink ?? it doesn’t seem to run
    live like the wx scope sink ?

    It doesn’t create the feel like when we in the lab using an actual
    scope ?

    Will have a more detailed looked tomorrow, but I tried it today
    and unfortunately with running matlab and a few other things and
    corporate stuff I have to use windows



    *On Behalf Of *Marcus Müller
    *Sent:* 07 August 2017 08:31 PM
    *To:* <>
    *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] WX scope GUI channel tab error
    on windows

    Dear Tarquin,

    WX GUI is deprecated, we're throwing it out in GNU Radio 3.8, as
    it hasn't been maintained and isn't maintainable by anyone we know.

    Hence, fixing it is both pretty hard (no one remembers how the WX
    GUI stuff works internally, or what its quirks were), and a bit of
    a useless endeavor, since it's deprecated.

    So, use QT GUI instead. The Qt GUI Time Sink is the equivalent to
    the WX GUI Scope sink, but is faster, uses less ressources, runs
    on more systems reliably.

    Best regards,


    On 08/07/2017 08:22 PM, Tarquin Roode wrote:


         I was doing some tutorials on windows version of GNU Radio

        downloaded from

        GNU Radio Companion

        when I use the WC GUI scope sink I cannot access ..(change)
        the channels on the scope sink, I cannot get to the trigger
        tab to change the trigger mode etc.

        It seems similar to the problem mentioned here but I am surprised it
        was tagged as wontfix ??

        any ideas on how to get it to work..and running linux or live
        is not the answer... if its a case of it won't work so be it.
        It would, however, be useful to know whether its an opengl
        driver or some resolvable issue

        Regards 73



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