
I've been having some difficulty getting reliable data flow from my USRP
X310 with a GRC flowgraph, so I'm trying out writing my system in C++ with
the UHD driver API. My first step has been to retrieve samples from the
X310, forward them to a UDP port and then pick them up with a GRC Socket
PDU component and then plot them. The C++ programme, so far, follows
Ettus's example rx_samples_to_udp almost exactly and uses the
std::complex<float> data type.

When the data enters the running flowgraph from the UDP transport, I get
this error:

thread[thread-per-block[1]: <block freq_sink_c (1)>]: freq_sink_c: unknown
data type of samples; must be complex.

Can anyone offer insight into why this should occur?

Many thanks,

Jack White
07875 813 745
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