
I have a few custom blocks in C in the top level GRC system. Everything
seems to work fine up until the Play button. The top_block.py Python
program seems to crash on this error.

At first glance, it seems to say that A1SystemControl's 4th output has size
of 49 while the connected input port of ChannelEstimator has the size of 0.

I have checked this multiple types. Both are declared correctly, "byte"
type in my xml file. I also checked the lib/*.cc files for these custom
blocks and verified that the io_signature::make call correctly defines the
size as 'sizeof(char)' for those corresponding IOs. I have no idea from
where GRC is using the number 49 and 0. Can anybody help? The "make test"
step runs fine as well.

Here the related code in lib/A1Sy*.cc. You can see that iosOut has the 4th
element (starting from 0 on the leftmost element) has sizeof(char):
    static int ios[] = {sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(gr_complex),
sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(char)};
    static std::vector<int> iosig(ios, ios+sizeof(ios)/sizeof(int));
    static int iosOut[] = {sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(gr_complex),
sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(char), sizeof(char),
sizeof(char), sizeof(char)};
    static std::vector<int> iosigOut(iosOut,
    A1SystemControl_impl::A1SystemControl_impl(float frame_size, float
tap_size, float est_sample_size)
      : gr::block("A1SystemControl",
        gr::io_signature::makev(6, 6, iosig),
        gr::io_signature::makev(8, 8, iosigOut)),

Also, for lib/Chan*.cc, the 0'th input has sizeof(char) as well:
    static int ios[] = {sizeof(char), sizeof(gr_complex),
sizeof(gr_complex), sizeof(char)};
    static std::vector<int> iosig(ios, ios+sizeof(ios)/sizeof(int));
     ChannelEstimator_ff_impl::ChannelEstimator_ff_impl(float tap_size,
float est_sample_size)
      : gr::block("ChannelEstimator_ff",
        gr::io_signature::makev(4, 4, iosig),
        gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))),

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vipin/a1/grcnew/gr-a1System/top_block.py", line 174, in
  File "/home/vipin/a1/grcnew/gr-a1System/top_block.py", line 162, in main
    tb = top_block_cls()
  File "/home/vipin/a1/grcnew/gr-a1System/top_block.py", line 113, in
    self.connect((self.a1System_A1SystemControl_0, 4),
(self.a1System_ChannelEstimator_ff_0, 0))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/hier_block2.py",
line 47, in wrapped
    func(self, src, src_port, dst, dst_port)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/hier_block2.py",
line 110, in connect
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/runtime_swig.py", line
5334, in primitive_connect
    return _runtime_swig.top_block_sptr_primitive_connect(self, *args)
ValueError: itemsize mismatch: A1SystemControl0:4 using 49,
ChannelEstimator_ff0:0 using 34948032
*** Error in `/usr/bin/python2': free(): invalid pointer:
0x0000000002154e58 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
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