Hi Håkon


Big thank you !! 


I understand that many times “instructions” are not precisely correct and may 
be missing pieces of code punctuations, grammar, etc.  However, as an entry 
level person to Linux – when reading a wiki page or readme file…it is exactly 
these subtle missing pieces that can drive a person crazy.  


With your help it installed quickly.




Jerry NY2KW


From: Håkon Vågsether [mailto:hauk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 9:59 AM
To: Jerry <jster...@att.net>
Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Noobie Advice -- Installing Icons, Mime Type, 
and Menu Items


Hi Jerry, 


if I understand you correctly, you are trying to run the executable 
"grc_setup_freedesktop" from within its directory. This will require you to 
prefix the executable with "./".  


"." means your current directory, but perhaps you already knew that. :) So, 
instead of:


$ sudo grc_setup_freedesktop install


you'll have to do:


$ sudo. /grc_setup_freedesktop install


If you want more info on this, this link might be helpful:




Hope I could be of any help. 


Best regards, 

Håkon Vågsether 


17. jul. 2017 3.39 p.m. skrev "Jerry" <jster...@att.net 
<mailto:jster...@att.net> >:

I am just starting on in both Linux and gnuradio so steep learning curve so far.


I successfully built installed the latest gnuradio into my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 
using PyBOMBS.  All works fine from the command line.


I would like the convenience of a GRC desktop icon and I read on the 
wiki.gnuradio.org <http://wiki.gnuradio.org>  page to run the following:


$ cd /libexec/gnuradio/

$ sudo grc_setup_freedesktop install


I allowed PyBOMBS to install gnuradio into /prefix/default.  I found  
/prefix/default/libexec/gnuradio which contains a green file 
‘grc_setup_freedesktop’ but when I run the commands


$ cd /prefix/default/libexec/gnuradio/

$ sudo grc_setup_freedesktop install


I get an error:  sudo: grc_setup_freedesktop : command not found…but 
grc_setup_freedesktop is in the /libexec/ folder


Any advice appreciated.



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