I have built windows installers for gnuradio that have been available for a
bit over a year.  They include and just last week updated them to
version 1.3,  and include a wide variety of drivers and packages all
purpose built for windows 10 64-bit.

Hopefully that will save you some trouble.  They are located at:



On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 17:45 Bhaskar11 <niceguy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been out of touch with this work for some years, but find that many
> are still searching for the drivers referred to in this guide. As a help to
> all, I've uploaded all these drivers to a shared folder on Google Drive
> here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Byk3JPiq4KUKY3B1enR6djAyX1k
> I hope this will remain as an active archive for many years to come, even
> if the original driver links break.
> If I can make time, I hope someday to update these instructions for
> working under Windows 10 -- if it has not already been done by then! :)
> B.
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Bhaskar11 <niceguy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> *After much experimentation I have finally found a way to successfully
>> install and fully run GRC both under Windows XP and Windows 8.*
>> I presume it should therefore work equally well under Vista and 7.
>> First a few comments on the common causes of problems that most people
>> have had:
>> a. It is critical to have the correct *matching* and *complete* versions
>> of the various required libraries. Most installations instructions online
>> fail because of this reason. The Ettus installation instructions officially
>> recommended on GNURadio website and provided here
>> <http://code.ettus.com/redmine/ettus/projects/uhd/wiki/GNURadio_Windows> fail
>> now because many of the original binary versions referred to are no longer
>> available. Hence those instructions are now outdated and should be replaced
>> by the instructions provided in this email.
>> b. Although it is possible to successfully install GNURadio binaries for
>> versions 3.7.x, none of them include runtime DLLs for WX GUI blocks. Hence
>> these blocks are not displayed, and so most of the example files available
>> cannot be used as they need WX GUI blocks. Moreover, some of the QT GUI
>> blocks do not work in certain versions. Since I do not know how to make
>> these binaries, I request those who have created these version 3.7.x
>> Windows binaries to repack them so that we can run the latest versions of
>> GNURadio in Windows. Until that is done, there is no point trying to
>> install those versions.
>> c. Only GNURadio version 3.6.x binaries have WX GUI blocks. But versions
>> 3.6.2 does not allow moving the blocks. Only is usable, and works
>> perfectly well for all available examples tested so far including all QT
>> GUI and WX GUI blocks.
>> d. The required Python libraries versions are available only for Python
>> version 2.7.3 and are NOT all available for versions 2.7.6 or above, or at
>> least I could not find them online. Hence we have to use libraries
>> compatible only with Python 2.7.3.
>> e. Some library versions have their quirks or bugs. For example PyGTK
>> 2.24.0 does not allow you to add blocks in GRC. Only version PyGTK 2.24.2
>> works ok. Also wxPython binary called
>> "wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-" just does not work, but the same
>> version but different binary called "wxPython-" works
>> correctly. Most online instructions do not mention the need for
>> "wxPython-common" library, which is absolutely necessary. Also some odd
>> problems such as this
>> <http://gnuradio.4.n7.nabble.com/Windows-install-guide-from-Ettus-Research-missing-important-note-td44754.html>
>> cease to exist when the correct libraries are matched.
>> f. In the instructions below I have listed all the correct working
>> libraries and binaries with links from which to download them. Please use
>> only the binaries from these links and install them in the sequence
>> provided. Other versions or binaries may not work. Keep all default options
>> unless otherwise specified here. If you have problems working with the
>> instructions below, check your binaries, and ensure that you are doing a
>> clean install.
>> Finally, please share your experiences with success and failures on this
>> list so that others may benefit.
>> *Instructions to install GNURadio in Windows XP and Windows 8:*
>> 1. Uninstall all earlier installations and libraries of GNURadio and
>> Python and their add-ons. Ensure that the GNURadio directory and Python
>> directory are entirely removed by the uninstalls.
>> For Windows XP GNURadio default directory is: C:\Program Files\gnuradio
>> For Windows 8 it is: C:\Program Files (x86)\gnuradio
>> For all platforms the Python default directory is: C:\Python27
>> Both the GNURadio and Python directories should be non-existent. If they
>> still exist, then delete them and reboot. We want as clean an install as
>> possible.
>> 2. Download "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)"
>> from here <http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555>
>> and install "vcredist_x86".
>> If it says a copy is already installed and offers to repair it, and
>> accept to repair. If it says a later version is already installed, then
>> accept to close.
>> 3. Download and install "python-2.7.3.msi" from here
>> <http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/python-2.7.3.msi>.
>> 4. Download and install "lxml-3.0.2.win32-py2.7" from here
>> <https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/l/lxml/lxml-3.0.2.win32-py2.7.exe#md5=a3863518b39bb260218fa6048247e0da>
>> .
>> 5. Download and install "numpy-1.7.1-win32-superpack-python2.7" from here
>> <http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/numpy/NumPy/1.7.1/numpy-1.7.1-win32-superpack-python2.7.exe>
>> .
>> 6. Download and install "PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.9.6-1" from here
>> <http://kaz.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pyqt/PyQt4/PyQt-4.9.6/PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.9.6-1.exe>
>> .
>> (Note: Keep all default options. You do NOT need to change anything.)
>> 7. Download and install "PyQwt-5.2.1-py2.7-x32-pyqt4.9.6-numpy1.7.1"
>> from here <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyqwt>.
>> 8. Download and install "Cheetah-2.4.4.win32-py2.7" from here
>> <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#cheetah>.
>> 9. Download and install "PyOpenGL-3.1.0a1.win32-py2.7" from here
>> <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyopengl>.
>> 10. Download and install "pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.2.win32-py2.7" from here
>> <http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygtk/2.24/pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.2.win32-py2.7.msi>
>> .
>> 11. Download and install "wxPython-" from here
>> <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#wxpython>.
>> On Windows 8 you may get: Runtime error R6034 "An application has made an
>> attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the
>> application's support team for more information." Ignore the message and
>> continue.
>> 12. Download and install "wxPython-common-" from here
>> <http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#wxpython>.
>> On Windows 8 you may get: Runtime error R6034 "An application has made an
>> attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the
>> application's support team for more information." Ignore the message and
>> continue.
>> 13. Download and install "gnuradio_3.6.4.1_Win32" (stable version) from
>> here
>> <http://files.ettus.com/binaries/gnuradio/v3.6.4.1-stable/gnuradio_3.6.4.1_Win32.exe>
>> .
>> Select the option to "Add gnuradio to the system path for all users".
>> On Windows 8 you may receive "Warning! PATH too long installer unable to
>> modify PATH!" which seems to be a NSIS installer problem when it finds the
>> total path to be longer than 1024. If you receive this message then you
>> must manually add the installation bin directory to the system path.
>> For Windows XP the PATH variable must include: "C:\Program
>> Files\gnuradio\bin;"
>> For Windows 8 the PATH must include: "C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\gnuradio\bin;"
>> The string can be added to the beginning of the PATH to ensure it gets
>> priority. In any case manually verify that the Path has been correctly set
>> as above whether by the installer or by you.
>> 15. Manually add the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
>> For Windows XP this is normally: "PYTHONPATH=C:\Program
>> Files\gnuradio\lib\site-packages"
>> For Windows 8 this is: "PYTHONPATH=C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\gnuradio\lib\site-packages"
>> 16. Check that the GRC_BLOCKS_PATH environment variable has been set to
>> by GNURadio installer. Normally this should happen automatically. If it has
>> not been set, then set it manually.
>> For Windows XP this is: "GRC_BLOCKS_PATH=C:\Program
>> Files\gnuradio\share\gnuradio\grc\blocks"
>> For Windows 8 this is: "GRC_BLOCKS_PATH=C:\Program Files
>> (x86)\gnuradio\share\gnuradio\grc\blocks"
>> 17. Install any other hardware drivers that you need such as UHD, etc.
>> 18. To run, in the command line type:
>> gnuradio-companion.py
>> If you like you can create a batch file to run this from a shortcut from
>> the menu or the desktop.
>> Hope this guide saves you many hours of wasted time so that you can fully
>> enjoy the wonderful GNURadio experience!!
>> B
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