You're still not explaining what your question is – I really don't know
what to answer.

What is wrong?

On 07/04/2017 11:31 AM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
> Sorry I missed to add the flow graph. 
> Here is attached. 
> 2017-07-04 11:29 GMT+02:00 Rafik ZITOUNI <
> <>>:
>     Marcus, 
>     You find attached my flow graph with  Tx and Rx. I know that it is
>     not recommended to have TX and RX in the same flow graph but i did
>     it just to obtain one view for my Tx and Rx. 
>     Thanks,  
>     2017-07-04 11:23 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <
>     <>>:
>         Dear Rafik,
>         I think we're approaching this from the wrong side: I don't
>         think that I should be explaining why you get a good BER and
>         SNR estimate, it is you who should explain why you're
>         expecting something different, and then we can discuss! I'm
>         not quite sure what I could be explaining at this point :)
>         Best regards,
>         Marcus
>         On 07/04/2017 11:20 AM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
>>         Thank you Marcus for your answer !
>>         My BER and SNR are calculated and obtained using MPSK SNR
>>         Estimator Probe and Error Rate blocks. I obtained  two
>>         points, which rotate in the qt gui constellation sink despite
>>         the BER and SNR have been obtained as expected. Could you
>>         give me an explanation how it was possible to obtain a good
>>         snr and ber with a wrong constellation with  good SNR and BER?
>>         I found the  presentation of Tom Rondeau useful, since he
>>         explained the function of the costas loop
>>         block.  
>> <>
>>         This morning I add a Costas loop after a Polyphase Clock
>>         Syncronisation block, and it s going well. You find attached
>>         a screenshot of my constellation for a DBPSK of
>>         my receiver/transmitter. I propose to add a grc to
>>         gnuradio/gr-digital for MPSK since grc is more easy to
>>         understand than python source code.
>>         Now I am trying to send and receive data files such as videos
>>         or images (bmp). Do you have an example with a file
>>         exchange implemented in .py or grc?
>>         Best,  
>>         2017-07-04 9:44 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller
>>         < <>>:
>>             Hi Rafik!
>>             So, what's wrong with the BER and the SNR estimate?
>>             Best regards,
>>             Marcus
>>             On 07/03/2017 11:29 PM, Rafik ZITOUNI wrote:
>>>             Dear all, 
>>>             I translate the
>>>             /gr-digital/examples/narrowband/ and
>>>             the /gr-digital/examples/narrowband/
>>>             python source codes to GRC flow graphs. The objective is
>>>             to get more graphical possibilities with a GRC.  My flow
>>>             graph gives a fine result of BER and SNR for DBPSK
>>>             modulation. 
>>>             The problem is with the rotating points of my
>>>             constellation. I think that the rotation of my view
>>>             comes from a lack of frequency synchronization, but why
>>>             I obtained a correct BER and SNR?
>>>             You find attached to this message a constellation view
>>>             obtained by my flow graph. 
>>>             Please could you explain me this  result or give an
>>>             advice to improve the obtained result? 
>>>             Regards, 
>>>             -- 
>>>             **<>Rafik
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>>         -- 
>>         **<>Rafik
>     -- 
>     **<>Rafik
> -- 
> **<>Rafik
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