Hi Everyone,

I am trying to benefit "Correlation Estimator" block to tag the preamble of
the transmit bit sequence in a QPSK-based system

The modulation is done as:
Data + Preamble -> Constellation Modulator

The way I am doing the demodulation is:
AGC -> FLL Band-Edge -> Correlation Estimator -> Correlation Estimator ->
Polyphase Clock Sync -> CMA Equaliser -> Costas Loop

The hard decoding is done as:
Constellation Decoder -> Differential Decoder -> Map -> Unpacked to Packed

After I execute the flowgraph, for a few seconds everything works fine and
I receive the correct sequences. However, after a while, the received bits
are not correct and their pattern changes periodically.

When I bypass the "Correlation Estimator" block, everything works fine and
I receive the correct data.

I am confused. Is the correlation block suppose to deteriorate the
demodulation performance?

The flowgraph is attached to the email.



Attachment: PSK_Mod_Demod.grc
Description: Binary data

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