
On 05/23/2017 02:45 AM, Tellrell White wrote:
Hi All,
I'm currently using the the IEEE 802.15.4 testbed developed by Bastian Bloessl, and company, specifically the offset-qpsk PHY. The only changes I've made to the flow-graph developed by Bastian is adding a vector source consisting of 0's and 1's as my input source and adding a constellation sink. I've attached the flow-graph for reference. When running the flow-graph, the output of the constellation doesn't look quite correct. For instance I'm not quite sure why there are constellation points at 0 + j and 0 - j as well as at 1 + 0j and 1- 0j. A picture of the constellation plot is also attached.

I'm not sure what you are irritated about. With OQPSK you don't change abruptly, but transition from one constellation point to the other on a circle. Depending on the sample rate, there are multiple points in-between the final constellation at +-0.707 +- 0.707i. (in that case it is just one).


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