Dear Jahnavendra,

if you really have problems with reading the binary files the file_sink
produces, it would be wise to work on your skills in the programming
language you want to use. Others and I have pointed you personally to
example code that does that[1] before, and the FAQ entry that explains
the file format[2]. If you missed these emails, please refer to them in
the mailing list archive [3a] [3b] [3c].

Reading these files is definitely trivial in almost any language I can
think of, and writing your own GNU Radio block won't solve your problem.
It will just create a lot of new problems for you, as you don't seem to
be very familiar with the things you'll need to deal with, yet. Don't be
afraid! It's OK to have to learn! Being able to read a file as produced
by file_sink, given the assistence you've received, would, however, be
an appropriate thing that you should manage before trying something more
serious, like writing a GNU Radio blokc.

Anyway, to learn about how to write GNU Radio modules, read

from chapter 1 to 6 in the correct order (you could have found this
yourself – it's the big orange button on that says "get

Best regards,
Marcus Müller


On 01.05.2017 16:18, Jahnavendra Mattipa wrote:
> Cc: <>
> Hello all,
>   I want to read the data by collecting the information from the
> satellite. So far i recorded some samples but i can't able to read it.
> So i tried to create a block for reading the data in a document file.
> But it seems to be be difficult while creating a new block using OOT
> module and i am not familiar about the OOT modules creation. If
> anybody already did reading block or created OOT block for reading
> please notify me how to create the reading OOT block.
> Best Regards,
> M. Jahnavendra
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