You should never have to manually install the FFTW; it's already
installed, otherwise you wouldn't have a GNU Radio installation that
does much.

What is probably the case is that you forgot to add the libraries to
what CMake tells the linker to link in. You'd need to add the FFTW
detection to your CMakeLists.txt and add FFTWF_LIBRARIES (or similar) to
what is used as libraries in your lib/CMakeLists.txt. I'd recommend
copying what the gnuradio/gr-fft/lib/CMakeLists.txt do to link against

Best regards,

On 04/10/2017 11:49 AM, Ammar Mahmood wrote:
> Dear all,
> My custom block in GRC was being shown as undocumented. When I loaded
> its underlying library file in Python, I got the following import error:
> ImportError:
> /home/ammar/gr-channelsounder/build/lib/
> undefined symbol: fftwf_malloc
> I installed the FFTW library provided on [1] but was not able to
> remove this issue.
> [1]
> Can anybody help me out regarding how to remove this error?
> Regards,
> Ammar
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