
if you are thinking of something like a "paper ticker" like Marcus
mentioned, you could take a look at
[1]. We had an application where we needed to have real time updates
that roll in from right to left.
This could probably be done in a more easy way using the existing QT Gui
Time Sink but we decided to
create a new QT Gui block "rollingscope"  that does just that.

[1] https://github.com/RWTH-iNets/gr-rollingscope


On 03/27/2017 01:48 PM, Marcus Müller wrote:
> Hi Nikita,
> so, you'd be constantly rescaling the display, or are you more thinking
> of something like a "paper ticker" thing, where new signal "slowly"
> pushes out old signal?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 27.03.2017 12:17, Nikita Airee wrote:
>> the GNURadio simulation. This means that the all values from the very
>> first to the absolute last are displayed no matter how long the
>> simulation runs for.
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Julian Arnold, M.Sc.

Institute for Networked Systems
RWTH Aachen University

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