I wanted to use the performance counters feature of GNU Radio, which
requires getting ControlPort working. However, there seems to be a gap in
the documentation.

I have read the information at http://gnuradio.org/
redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/ControlPort and http://gnuradio.org/doc/
doxygen/page_ctrlport.html, and a third document I don't remember that
explained Performance Counters configuration. I have created
~/.gnuradio/config.conf as follows:

on = True
edges_list = True
config = /Users/kpreid/.gnuradio/k-thrift.conf
on = True
export = True

and k-thrift.conf contains the suggested values

port = 9090
nthreads = 2
buffersize = 1434
init_attempts = 100

Then I run my program and run either gr-ctrlport-monitor
or gr-perf-monitorx, which says:

Could not connect to ControlPort endpoint at None:9090.

I have the feeling there's an undocumented step missing here. What is it?

I know that the configuration files are both being read because if I
misspell the path to the thrift-specific file I get an error message that
it doesn't exist.
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