Hey all -

The CFP for GRCon17 is now live! You can find the details on the GRCon17

We are accepting abstracts for three types of presentations at GRCon17:
talks, tutorials, and posters. The format for the poster presentations will
change somewhat this year, as there will be scheduled poster session times
during the conference.

The deadline to submit your presentation abstract is *Thursday 1 June. *

In addition, we are very excited to once again publish the Annual Technical
Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference. The proceedings of GRCon are
published on the GNU Radio website (http://pubs.gnuradio.org/), and are
also indexed by Google Scholar. Last year's proceedings have some truly
excellent contributions to the field, and we look forward to seeing this
year's papers.

*You do not need to publish in the proceedings to give a talk at GRCon, and
you do not need to give a talk at GRCon to publish in the proceedings.* We
encourage everyone giving a talk to also submit a paper, and anyone
submitting a paper to also give a talk, but it is not required. We do this
to so that people with important contributions to publish, but who are
unable to make it to the conference, can still participate.

We take pride in GRCon's reputation for having a high signal-to-noise
ratio, and our growing attendance is testament to the high quality of
people and content at the conference each year . This is only possible with
your participation, and we look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Please let us know if you have any questions.

The GRCon Organizers
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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