Yep, that would be it (at least for the binaries).  The binaries were
building against 3.9, so you'll need a newer binary then.  No worries, give
that part a few days.

For the script error, do you have permissions to create c:\gr-build?  Are
you running as an admin?  Let me know if c:\gr-build exists.

Given how soon we will release new binaries and the pain you'd likely go
through to build yourself, I recommend just waiting until we get out a new

Experiences on a linux VM are spotty, particularly over USB, but I'd be
curious how a X310 via GigE works.


On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Ernest Potenziani <>

> Derek, Geoff
> That might be the problem. The x310 came with version 13 for the FPGA, FW
> at version 4. But when you do a uhd_usrp_probe command when the x310 is
> first removed from its box, it comes back saying that version 33 of the
> FPGA build and version 5 of the Firmware is needed. I think that the new
> FPGA load is needed because the the TwinRx modules are very new (released
> last fall I believe).
> Ernie
> Sent from Ernie's iPad ...
> On Jan 23, 2017, at 5:44 PM, Derek Kozel <> wrote:
> Hello Ernie,
> What version of the FPGA image is currently on your X310? I believe that
> the Geof's installer is linked against UHD 3.9 so the 3.10 FPGA images will
> not work.
> Regards,
> Derek
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 1:21 PM, Geof Nieboer <>
> wrote:
>> Ernie,
>> I'm the maintainer of the scripts.  I assume you are using the most
>> updated git repo version.  We're about to do a new release to coincide with
>> the new release of GR, so there are a good number of changes from the last
>> release.
>> So you picked the default install location at that prompt?  Try filling
>> in the prompt manually with the default value purely based on the error
>> code.
>> When I get home in a few hours I will take a closer look, should be
>> something simple.
>> Also, what FPGA errors were you getting?  My intent is that user's should
>> never have to build it themselves and can use the msi's, so I'm interested
>> in any cases where they fail.  We'll release new binary installers shortly
>> after the new GR release, though I don't believe I've made any changes what
>> would impact USRP.
>> Geof
>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Ernie Potenziani <
>>> wrote:
>>> Any advice will be much appreciated (I'm new to this board so please
>>> excuse me if this is not the proper forum to pose this question):
>>> I wonder if anyone can point out what I may be doing wrong to get this
>>> error while installing GNUradio from source on a Windows 7 machine (I am
>>> using an Ettus x310 and the binary version of GNUradio gives an error with
>>> the FPGA builds, so I'm trying to build it from the ground up):
>>> I am using the instructions from the web page
>>> The error I encounter is when running the install script is:
>>> C:\Users\user\GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts>Set-ExecutionPolicy
>>> Unrestricted
>>> C:\Users\user\GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts>powershell
>>> Windows PowerShell
>>> Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
>>> PS C:\Users\user\GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts> Set-ExecutionPolicy
>>> Unrestricted
>>> PS C:\Users\user\GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts> ./~RUNME_FIRST.ps1
>>> Please choose an absolute root directory for this build <c:\gr-build>:
>>> Performing initial setup
>>> Setting up directories and checking dependencies...
>>> cmdlet Import-LocalizedData at command pipeline position 1
>>> Supply values for the following parameters:
>>> BindingVariable:
>>> Import-LocalizedData : Cannot validate argument on parameter
>>> 'BindingVariable'. The argument is null or empty. Supply a
>>> n argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again.
>>> At C:\Users\user\GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts\Setup.ps1:239 char:31
>>> + $Config = Import-LocalizedData <<<<  -BaseDirectory $mypath -FileName
>>> ConfigInfo.psd1
>>>     + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Import-LocalizedData],
>>> ParentContainsErrorRecordException
>>>     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErr
>>> or,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportLocalizedData
>>> PS C:\Users\user\GNURadio_Windows_Build_Scripts>
>>> Thanks in advance for any advice,
>>> Ernie
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