There are a whack of approaches to doing this.
The filename parameter of the filesink block is runtime changeable.
You could have an external process using controlport or xmlrpc to change
this setting (from a variable) at regular intervals. The existing file
will be closed, and a new one started under whatever name you give it.
Or, you could start with the filesink block, and write a new one that
implements your naming policy as you see fit.
On 2017-01-16 15:39, BuRaK wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to do a simple task but could not decide how to approach and do
> it.
> I would like to collect data from usrp continuously. The filesize will be
> huge and what I would like to do is say if 10 minutes passed (or xxx samples
> are collected)
> close file1.dat and open file2.dat and keep writing to that one. But I do not
> want to interrupt dataflow or lose any single sample.
> Would it be possible to do this through GRC or should I write a new block?
> It would be great if somebody can help me through this.
> Thank you in advance.
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