Hi Mallesham,

please make sure you keep the list, discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org, in CC when

I think the best way to help you here is to point you at the official
guided GNU Radio tutorials,

http://tutorials.gnuradio.org ,

which do explain the handling of messages and how you can instead write
data to a file. You might need to write a bit of python.

Best regards,

On 01/16/2017 09:39 PM, Mallesham Dasari wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> Thank you very much for the response. As Julian mentioned, I removed
> the FFT and writing the m.raw_data into a file in the main while loop
> of usrp_spectrum_sense.py. This way, I am getting wrong data. How can
> I store the raw data into a file instead of sending message to top
> block? I am new to gnuradio. Any help would be highly appreciated. 
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 1:07 PM, Marcus Müller
> <marcus.muel...@ettus.com <mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Mallesham,
>     could you explain what of Julian's answer you did not understand?
>     I would have pretty much given you exactly the same answer.
>     Best regards,
>     Marcus
>     On 01/16/2017 06:51 PM, Mallesham Dasari wrote:
>>     Hi all,
>>     I am scanning the wifi entire band to collect the raw IQ samples
>>     instead of having fft as in usrp_spectrum_sense.py. Can anyone
>>     throw some light on it?
>>     As of now, I am trying with approach given by Julian as below:
>>     /You might want to take a look at [1] which is the block
>>     usrp_spectrum_sense.py is using internally and modify it to your
>>     needs.
>>     I guess you could just remove the FFT and Complex to Mag Square block
>>     from usrp_spectrum_sense.py
>>     (change self.connect(self.u, s2v, ffter, c2mag, stats) to
>>     self.connect(self.u, s2v, stats)) and make sure
>>     that [1] accepts a vector of complex float as input and stores it
>>     to a
>>     file instead of sending a message to the top block./
>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1blocks_1_1bin__statistics__f.html
>> <http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1blocks_1_1bin__statistics__f.html>
>>     Thank you very much!
>>     -- 
>>     Best Regards,
>>     *Mallesham Dasari*
>>     Department of Computer Science
>>     Stony Brook University
>>     USA - 11794
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> -- 
> Best Regards,
> *Mallesham Dasari*
> Department of Computer Science
> Stony Brook University
> USA - 11794
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