Hello all,

I'm a new user of gnuradio, this is my first post here.

Running running on a fully updated Archlinux system.
Since I use Jack for everything audio, I've configure gr
to use Jack as well (/etc/gnuradio/conf.d/gr-audio.conf).

Trying out the examples and some other tests, it seems
that audio output works OK as long as I use only one
channel, e.g. mono_tone.py. When trying to use more then
one (e.g. multi_tone.py) the following happens:

- Audio is not OK. It looks as if the same blokc of 256
  samples (Jack's configured period) is output all the time.
  The second channel looks like complete garbage.
- I get a continuous stream of 'jUjUjU' in the terminal.
- It's impossible to stop the program using Ctl-C, it
  has to be killed.

I had a quick look at the source code for the Jack interface,
and it seems OK to me (and explains the 'jUjUjU' as a buffer

So, questions: is this a knowm problem, and is there a
solution or workaround ?


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