I am trying to get a simple working example of PSk31 working (transmitting
with a hackrf and receiving with a rtlsdr dongle). Here is what I have so

Working PSK31 tx and rx with a sound card
Transmit: https://github.com/tkuester/gr-psk31/ (examples/psk31_tx.grc)
Receive: https://github.com/tkuester/gr-psk31/ (examples/psk31_rx.grc)

These work great for sending a PSK31 message over audio card and receiving
with the audio card.

I just slightly modified them to take input from the "Audio Source" block
instead of a "Wav File Source" to use the sound card directly:

Transmit Graph: http://www.megafileupload.com/7sm9/psk31_tx.grc
Transmit Image: http://pasteboard.co/giNm3kNzC.png or

Receive Graph: http://www.megafileupload.com/7sma/psk31_rx.grc
Receive Image: http://pasteboard.co/giOlxtWUf.png or

Turning up the audio a little and tuning to 2003 approx on the rx graph
results in reception of the sent message "Hello World!"

Reference version for using hackrf instead of sound card
Next, I wanted to modify these to audio versions to work over Radio using a
HackRF and RTLSDR dongle.

These graphs seems very useful but I couldn't get it working end to end for
some reason.

Transmit: https://github.com/argilo/sdr-examples (multi_tx.grc)
Receive:  https://github.com/argilo/sdr-examples (tutorial/6_psk.grc)

I made some changes to the freq to be in range for RTLSDR .e.g changed freq
from 441e6 in ref graph, changed to 841e6.

My merged attempt
The attempt I am currently trying to get working is based on the audio
soundcard flies for the transmit:

Transmit: Using  audio tx (psk31_tx_attempt2): where I just replaced the
audio sink with the Osmocom sink (not sure what else is needed here for
transmission over hackrf)

Transmit Graph: http://www.megafileupload.com/7smi/psk31_tx-attempt2.grc
Transmit Image: http://pasteboard.co/giOMGNqD9.png or

Receive Graph: http://www.megafileupload.com/7smh/6_psk-hackrf.grc
Receive Image: http://pasteboard.co/giPflR4TI.png or

For the receive, I just left radio rx part in and replaced the decoder
parts with decoding logic from https://github.com/tkuester/gr-psk31/
(examples/psk31_rx.grc). I made other minor changes such as freq and sample

My question
So in summary, just looking for a little guidance on my merged attempt to
get psk31 out over a hackrf and received using a RTLSDR. Any advice for a
learner would be great :-)
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