Hello, all. From the Ettus website I recently downloaded and extracted the "sdimage-gnuradio-demo.direct" file from the "ettus-e3xx-sg1" folder (appropriate for my E310 SN). I used dd to copy the image to a micro SD card without incident and installed it in the E310. The E310 boots fine and I have no trouble logging in via SSH. This release 4 image is supposed to have UHD 3.9.2 and GNU radio 3.7.9 but the only entries in my /home/root directory on the E310 are ".volk", ".bash-history" and .viminfo. All the other GNU radio and GRC stuff that was present in /home/root in my previous SD card image is absent. What have I forgotten? Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

        __    __     ______       __   John Wood
       /  |\ / /\   / ____ \     / /\  Code 5520
      / | ||/ / /  / /\__/ /|   / / /  U.S. Naval Research Lab
     / /| |/ / /  / /_/_/ / /  / / /   4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
    / / |   / /  / ___   / /  / / /    Washington, DC 20375-5337
   / / /|  / /  / /\_| |\_/  / /_/_    (202) 767-2608
  /_/ / |_/ /  /_/ / |_||   /_____/\   (202) 767-1191 (FAX)
  \_\/  \_\/   \_\/  \_\|   \_____\/   e-mail: john.w...@nrl.navy.mil
                                     WWW: http://www.itd.nrl.navy.mil

Hear and you forget; see and you remember; do and you understand.

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