Hi Nick,

On 15.08.2016 19:19, Nick Foster wrote:
> This is a pretty familiar problem. A lot of satcom systems require
> continuous transmission when in an idle state so the receiver can use
> slow (i.e., sensitive) frequency and timing estimator loops. I'm sorry
> to say there's no great answer. 
> But you have some options:
> a) modify the HDLC block so that when work() is called, if nothing is
> in the msg queue just output some fixed number of 0x7Es and sit on its
> thumbs until the next call.
'doh! Could've thought of that; makes a lot of sense, here.
> b) modify whatever block is generating messages so that it outputs
> 0x7E frames periodically
> c) modify the FPGA (or whatever DUC backend you're using) to both do
> the modulating and send 0x7Es (modulated) when there's nothing coming in
> Each approach has its disadvantages:
> a) because Gnuradio buffers can be quite large, you will incur a
> latency penalty as GR (i.e., all of the buffers of all of the blocks
> downstream of the HDLC framer) propagates your frame downstream
Not if he adds the functionality to include a tx_time tag; that wouldn't
/reduce/ latency, but it would allow for time-slotted transmissions!
> b) message sources don't have backpressure, so this won't really work
> -- either you'll underflow and interrupt your sample stream or build
> up a huge stack of unsent data just as in a)
> c) this is a lot of work, and requires that the whole modulator,
> soup-to-nuts, is implemented in the FPGA.
> I'd start with approach a) and work your way towards c) if your
> application can't handle the latency.
> --n
Best regards,
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