Hi all,

it's the second last week of GSoC 2016 and I've dealt with the last (small)
issues that accumulated during the last weeks.
Read about it here:

Stay tuned next week for the pybombs and promo video release!


2016-08-05 17:08 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com>:

> ach stimmt, du machst ja "live" decoding! ja, da müssen die sampleraten
> insgesamt stimmen :)
> On 08/05/2016 05:07 PM, Sebastian Müller wrote:
> Die Audio Sink will halt 48kHz und spielt das, was rein kommt, mit genau
> dieser Rate ab. Wenn ich jetzt ein Signal mit anderer Samprate reingebe,
> wird das Signal zu schnell/langsam abgespielt. Bei kleinen Differenzen gibt
> das Mickymousestimmen, aber irgendwann versteht man halt garnix mehr.
> Am 5. August 2016 um 16:43:36, Marcus Müller (marcus.muel...@ettus.com)
> schrieb:
>> Kurz ma off-list:
>> sag mal, was passiert eigentlich mitm demodulierten Signal bei FM, wenn
>> du *nicht* resamplest? Steh ich da grad aufm Schlauch, oder ist die
>> Frequenzmodulation dann einfach nur mitm Faktor skaliert? Wäre es da nicht
>> einfacher, diesen Faktor nach dem Demodulieren draufzurechnen?
>> Grüße
>> Marcus
>> On 08/05/2016 04:40 PM, Sebastian Müller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> GSoC week 11 is over and I have updated my block with what I have been
>> doing this week:
>> https://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/week-11-let-the-music-play/
>> Thanks to an universal resampler in the Signal Extractor it is now
>> possible to demodulate detected FM signals.
>> Cheers
>> Sebastian
>> 2016-07-29 16:39 GMT+02:00 Dave NotTelling <dmp250...@gmail.com>:
>>> Great work!
>>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Sebastian Müller < <gse...@gmail.com>
>>> gse...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> week 10 of GSoC is over and I managed to implement an OFDM sync block:
>>>> https://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/07/29/week-10-sync/
>>>> Since I make good time, I will try to add a FM demod block to the
>>>> toolbox. Target is to have one example workflow from Ether to demod data (=
>>>> sound).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> 2016-07-22 16:11 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Müller < <gse...@gmail.com>
>>>> gse...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>> in week 9 of my GSoC I finally managed to implement a working OFDM
>>>>> parameter estimation block. Read here about it:
>>>>> <https://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/week-9-ofdm-finale/>
>>>>> https://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/week-9-ofdm-finale/
>>>>> Next up is a frequency and timing synchronization block.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> 2016-07-18 9:57 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Müller < <gse...@gmail.com>
>>>>> gse...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>> I have no problem with keeping the 'old' algo in the toolbox. But
>>>>>> still I'm not sure if it is usable in real-world scenarios with sampling
>>>>>> offsets. Maybe someone can improve it if interested.
>>>>>> Cheers, Sebastian
>>>>>> 2016-07-15 19:22 GMT+02:00 Martin Braun < <martin.br...@ettus.com>
>>>>>> martin.br...@ettus.com>:
>>>>>>> To clarify, if Koslowski's algorithm (since you already coined the
>>>>>>> term...) is *as* good as your original one, but also faster, you
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> not have duplicates. But if you did all the work to create software
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> actually outperforms the fast algorithm in some other aspect,
>>>>>>> there's no
>>>>>>> harm in keeping it around.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> M
>>>>>>> On 07/15/2016 10:20 AM, Martin Braun wrote:
>>>>>>> > Sebastian,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > thanks for sharing, and your awesome work! I would suggest if you
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> > an algorithm with great detection characteristics, you should keep
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>> > If you want another suboptimal but fast one, create a second block
>>>>>>> (or
>>>>>>> > whatever it is). The first algorithm did cost you time, and its
>>>>>>> superior
>>>>>>> > detection performance might be interesting to other people.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Cheers,
>>>>>>> > Martin
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > On 07/15/2016 08:10 AM, Sebastian Müller wrote:
>>>>>>> >> Hi list,
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> week 8 of GSoC is over and the latest news on gr-inspector are
>>>>>>> online:
>>>>>>> >> <https://grinspector.wordpress>https://grinspector.wordpress.
>>>>>>> com/2016/07/15/week-8-performance-issues/
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> This week was a bit disappointing because the algorithm for the
>>>>>>> OFDM
>>>>>>> >> estimation, which did show nice estimation results, and which I
>>>>>>> dealt
>>>>>>> >> with 2 weeks now, had to be replaced because of performance
>>>>>>> issues. Now
>>>>>>> >> I'll try a more straight-forward algorithm and hope to get
>>>>>>> started with
>>>>>>> >> synchronization in two weeks.
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Cheers,
>>>>>>> >> Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Sebastian Müller < <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com <mailto:
>>>>>>> <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>> schrieb am
>>>>>>> >> Fr., 8. Juli 2016 um 13:48 Uhr:
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>     Hi all,
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>     week 7 of GSoC is over and I have written a blog post about
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>> >>     I've been up to:
>>>>>>> >>      <https://grinspector>https://grinspector.wordpress
>>>>>>> .com/2016/07/08/week-7-ofdm-prototype/
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>     I started implementing an OFDM parameter estimation block in
>>>>>>> python.
>>>>>>> >>     Also, I did some performance tests, which look quite good.
>>>>>>> Next, I
>>>>>>> >>     will implement this algorithm in C++. Stay tuned!
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>     Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>     Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>     Am 01.07.2016 um 15:37 schrieb Sebastian Müller:
>>>>>>> >>>     Hi all,
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>     this week's GSoC blog post is ready! Check it out here:
>>>>>>> >>>      <https://grinspector>https://grinspector.wordpress
>>>>>>> .com/2016/07/01/week-6-tweaking/
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>     I have finished the GUI so far and improved the Signal
>>>>>>> Separator.
>>>>>>> >>>     In the next time I will start with an OFDM parameter
>>>>>>> estimation,
>>>>>>> >>>     so stay tuned.
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>     Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>     Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>     2016-06-28 16:34 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Müller <
>>>>>>> <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>     <mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>>:
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>         Hi Ben,
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>         thanks for your interest. The manual signal selection is
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> >>>         the demod function in gqrx. You can move and resize an
>>>>>>> overlay
>>>>>>> >>>         that will determine the signal information that gets
>>>>>>> passed
>>>>>>> >>>         downstream. I have not dealt with AMC for now, but based
>>>>>>> on my
>>>>>>> >>>         own experience with manual modulation recognition I
>>>>>>> don't see
>>>>>>> >>>         a problem when not exactly hitting the signal edges. If
>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> >>>         concern is too narrow selection, there is an oversampling
>>>>>>> >>>         factor parameter in the Signal Separator block, that will
>>>>>>> >>>         allow filtering wider than actually from the GUI
>>>>>>> specified, to
>>>>>>> >>>         compensate the naturally underestimated bandwidth when
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> >>>         energy detection. Also, the GUI now supports zooming so
>>>>>>> a user
>>>>>>> >>>         can work really precise if needed :)
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>         Thanks again for the feedback!
>>>>>>> >>>         Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>         Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>         2016-06-27 16:41 GMT+02:00 Ben Hilburn
>>>>>>> >>>         <<mailto:bhilb...@gnuradio.org> <bhilb...@gnuradio.org>
>>>>>>> bhilb...@gnuradio.org
>>>>>>> >>>         <mailto: <bhilb...@gnuradio.org>bhilb...@gnuradio.org>>:
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>             Hi Sebastian -
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>             Thanks for the great update!
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>             I'm curious how the "manual selection with the
>>>>>>> mouse" will
>>>>>>> >>>             work? For some of the back-end processing that is
>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>> >>>             on, like Chris's AMC work, not selecting all of the
>>>>>>> bins
>>>>>>> >>>             of the signal seems like it could seriously impact
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> >>>             success of those functions. If the the FFT is, for
>>>>>>> >>>             example, 1024 bins, it seems like it may be hard for
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> >>>             user to accurately select the bins that are
>>>>>>> important.
>>>>>>> >>>             Will there be some sort of "intelligent auto-aim",
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> >>>             lack of a better word, for this?
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>             Thanks for the great work so far! The GUI
>>>>>>> screenshots are
>>>>>>> >>>             looking great, by the way.
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>             Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>             Ben
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>             On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Sebastian Müller
>>>>>>> >>>             < <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com <mailto:
>>>>>>> <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>                 Hi all,
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>                 it’s GSoC midterms time! For that purpose, I
>>>>>>> wrote a
>>>>>>> >>>                 new blog post with what I’ve been up to and with
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> >>>                 review of what I’ve done so far:
>>>>>>> >>>                 < <https://grinspector>https://grinspector.
>>>>>>> wordpress.com/2016/06/26/week-5-midterms/>https://grinspector.
>>>>>>> wordpress.com/2016/06/26/week-5-midterms/
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>                 I have managed to accomplish all of my midterm
>>>>>>> >>>                 milestones and am looking forward for the next 8
>>>>>>> weeks
>>>>>>> >>>                 of GSoC.
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>                 Cheers
>>>>>>> >>>                 Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>                 Am 18. Juni 2016 um 15:06:11, Sebastian Müller
>>>>>>> >>>                 (<mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>gse
>>>>>>> <gse...@gmail.com> <n...@gmail.com>n...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>                 <mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>)
>>>>>>> schrieb:
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>>                 Hi all,
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>                 my GSoC update came a bit later this week,
>>>>>>> because I
>>>>>>> >>>>                 was abroad. The GUI came to life this week,
>>>>>>> read here
>>>>>>> >>>>                 about it:
>>>>>>> >>>>                 < <https://grinspector>https://grinspector.
>>>>>>> wordpress.com/2016/06/18/week-4-gui/> <https://grinspector>h
>>>>>>> ttps://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/06/18/week-4-gui/
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>                 Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>>                 Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>                 Am 10. Juni 2016 um 15:14:24, Sebastian Müller
>>>>>>> >>>>                 (<mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> gse <gse...@gmail.com> <n...@gmail.com>n...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>>                 <mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>)
>>>>>>> schrieb:
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 Hi all,
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 like every week I want to give a short update
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 my GSoC project. For details, check the blog
>>>>>>> post at
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 < <https://grinspector>https://grinspector.
>>>>>>> wordpress.com/2016/06/10/week-3-separation-issues/>https://gri
>>>>>>> nspector.wordpress.com/2016/06/10/week-3-separation-issues/
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 Most of the week was used to debug the Signal
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 Separator block, which did not pass my QA
>>>>>>> test. In
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 consultation with my mentors I changed the
>>>>>>> structure
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 under the hood and now the behavior is exactly
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 expected (same as Xlating FIR filter). Also I
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 improved the Signal Detector with callbacks
>>>>>>> and an
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 averaging function and started with the GUI.
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 2016-06-03 18:49 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Müller
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 <<mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> gse <gse...@gmail.com> <n...@gmail.com>n...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>>>                 <mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>gse...@gmail.com>>:
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     Hi All,
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     the second GSoC week is over and I have
>>>>>>> updated
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     my blog with the latest news:
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     < <https://grinspector>https://grinspector
>>>>>>> .wordpress.com/2016/06/03/week-2-compiling/>https://grinspector
>>>>>>> .wordpress.com/2016/06/03/week-2-compiling/
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     Mainly I did C++ implementation of the
>>>>>>> Signal
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     Detector and Signal Separator blocks and
>>>>>>> started
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     with the Signal Extractor block. Next week
>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     plan to improve these blocks and start
>>>>>>> with the GUI.
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     Am 28. Mai 2016 um 14:55:45, Sebastian
>>>>>>> Müller
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     (<mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> gse...@gmail.com>gse <gse...@gmail.com> <n...@gmail.com>n...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>>>                     <mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> gse...@gmail.com>) schrieb:
>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     Hi Jan,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     thanks for the feedback!
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     PFBs are a topic I discussed with my
>>>>>>> mentors
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     and we decided to not use them because of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     following reasons. When using PFBs, there
>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     trade-off between band resolution and
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     calculation effort (few filters lead to
>>>>>>> low
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     number of possible frequency bands, many
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     filters may have a high cpu usage). Since
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     band separation is not dependend on the
>>>>>>> input
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     siganls, I think I can have a more
>>>>>>> efficient
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     solution with „customized“ FIR filters
>>>>>>> for each
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     signal. The second reason is the
>>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     effort that needs to be done (not only
>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     PFB but also for recombining the bands
>>>>>>> again to
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     reconstruct the signals) is quite higher
>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     for using FIR filters. We were afraid
>>>>>>> that time
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     would be too short for implementing this
>>>>>>> (since
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     all this should work until the midterms
>>>>>>> in four
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     weeks).
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     We assume to have a moderate number of
>>>>>>> signals
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     in the input spectrum (let’s say less
>>>>>>> than 5)
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     and I think the FIR filter approach is
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     attractive here. But of course cpu usage
>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     topic which I have to deal with.
>>>>>>> Therefore I
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     plan to use a lookup-table with
>>>>>>> precalculated
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     taps for different bandwidths and
>>>>>>> steepnesses.
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     Also, steepness (or something similiar)
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     be a parameter of the block, so the user
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     can somehow control the cpu usage with
>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     I hope that answers your question!
>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     Regards,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     Am 28. Mai 2016 um 12:45:49, Jan Krämer
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     (<mailto: <kraemer...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> kraemer...@gmail.com> <kraemer...@gmail.com>kraemer...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>>>>                     <mailto: <kraemer...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> kraemer...@gmail.com>) schrieb:
>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     Hey Sebastian,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     great work in your first week. Looking
>>>>>>> pretty
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     good.
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     One question though. At the end you
>>>>>>> propose to
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     seperate the signals with a filterbank of
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     xlating FIRs. Is there a use case or a
>>>>>>> way to
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     do that with a polyphase filterbank?
>>>>>>> Cause
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     multiple FIRs are going to become a major
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     burden for the CPU if their number rises,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     especially if the filterorder gets
>>>>>>> pretty high
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     e.g. for narrowband signals.
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     Anyway keep up the good work.
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     Jan
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     2016-05-27 14:51 GMT+02:00 Sebastian
>>>>>>> Müller
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     <<mailto:gse...@gmail.com>gse
>>>>>>> <gse...@gmail.com> <n...@gmail.com>n...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                     <mailto: <gse...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> gse...@gmail.com>>:
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         Hi all,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         there is a new blog post concerning
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         gr-inspector toolbox:
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         < <https://grinspector>
>>>>>>> https://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/05/27/week-1-
>>>>>>> signal-detection/>https://grinspector.wordpress.com/2016/05/
>>>>>>> 27/week-1-signal-detection/
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         There I describe what I have done in
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         first week of GSoC. Mainly I have
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         prototyped a signal detection block
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         started planning the signal separator
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         block (which is used to pass the
>>>>>>> detected
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         signals serialized).
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         As always, comments are very welcome
>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         Cheers,
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>                         Sebastian
>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
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