Hi Kevin,

the problem arises since my blocks detect signals in the spectrum and
estimate their bandwidth. Then, each signal gets filtered and decimated to
the needed sample rate according to Nyquist-Shannon. This sample rate is
well defined, but only known during runtime.


2016-08-04 17:47 GMT+02:00 Kevin Reid <kpr...@switchb.org>:

> On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 8:29 AM, Sebastian Müller <gse...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now, the quadrature rate and audio decimation are unknown before runtime,
>> but calculated by my other blocks while running. For this purpose, I would
>> like to implement a block, that resamples any given signal to a fixed
>> output sample rate (in this example a bit more than the audio rate). I have
>> messages available that contain the sample rate of my input signal as well
>> as the input signal itself.
> I'd like to ask: How does this problem arise? In my experience, almost
> every element of the flowgraph has a specific sample rate (sources and
> sinks) or rate ratio (interpolators/decimators), so even if you decide you
> need a certain different rate, you're always going to be modifying the
> configuration of at least two blocks.
> How is it that you *come to have* a stream with a dynamic sample rate?
> (I suspect that you are overcomplicating your problem by requiring it to
> be solved within the flow graph rather than by external control code which
> can reconfigure the flow graph appropriately, but I don't have enough
> information about what your app is doing to be certain.)
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