I know of Gold codes. I was curious as to whether there was an easier way to
mass-produce spreading codes, but I guess not.
BTW, Johannes, what did you mean by “20!”
From: P
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 4:39 AM
To: Johannes Demel, discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Good start point might be Gold code or Hadaramd code.
Dne 15.7.2016 v 09:24 Johannes Demel napsal(a):
> 20!
> On 15.07.2016 04:54, Henry Barton wrote:
>> I’m designing a CDMA system with a spreading factor of 20. I recently
>> wrote an app to go through all the binary permutations up to 2^20 and
>> report which ones have an equal number of 0’s and 1’s, or at least
>> differ by only one. It came up with so many “hits” that I have to wonder
>> if they're really orthogonal. Does anyone know offhand how many good
>> spreading codes I can realistically expect from 1048576 possible entries?
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