
there is now pending patch for gr_modtool wich among other thinks
removes command aliases for this tool.

The removal have 2 reasons. The new argument parsing system does not
support aliases without penalty. The second is I does not like them. By
my opinion command aliases are mostly confusing, make thinks harder to
remember and are unnecessary. gr_modtool is not used so often to be
worth of saving few letters of typing in exchange for extra complexity.

If I'm badly wrong, pleas let my now, but for now assume aliases are not

The remaining question is which names to keep and which remove. What
would you prefer?

Other suggestion to improve this are also welcome.

Curent state:

help    | h       | ?
info    | getinfo | inf
makexml | mx
newmod  | nm      | create
rename  | mv
remove  | rm      | del
disable | dis
add     | insert

  disable               Disable selected block in module.
  info                  Return informations about module.
  makexml               Generate XML files for GRC block bindings.
  rename                Rename block inside module.
  remove                Remove block from module.
  add                   Add new block into module.
  newmod                Create new empty module, use add to add blocks.

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