I'd suggest trying to just build gnuradio on windows following the scripts setup by the author, available on the same site. AFAIK, the "release" doesn't include all the build deps, just he runtime ones. That should at least get all the dev libraries you will likley need. (There's something like 25 of them, most standard on any Unix but not in Windows world, and the one you encountered is one of the easier ones to build.) Also once that's done you can launch into a shell with all the appropriate environmental variables setup correctly. (Think it's called gnuradio command prompt or some such) then you'll be in a much better place to start your OOT development. On Jun 26, 2016 4:55 PM, "Gavin Jacobs" <apriljunk...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Marcus, > Thanks for those words of encouragement; based on that I dived in. > 1. Tutorial you mentioned says to clone the repository "git ...". Hmmm, I > don't have git, but I can go the website, get a zip, extract to my working > directory; different tool with same result. > > 2A. Tutorial says to use cmake. Hmmm, google search for cmake, download, > install, and it detects that I have Visual Studio; it tests that and > declares it usable (this is encouraging), but then barfs on a missing > package called Boost. > > 2B. Google search for Boost turns up a nutritional supplement - probably > not that. Second hit is a set of C++ libraries. Download, install, try > cmake again: same problem - can't find Boost. > Stuck here for now. > > 3. Meanwhile, further on in the tutorial, I will need a tool called > gr_modtool. No gr_modtool.exe found, but I did locate a .py file. Tried > with Python and got this: > python "C:\Program Files\GNURadio-3.7\bin\gr_modtool.py" nm > Name of the new module: how2 > Could not find gr-newmod source dir. > I found a configuration file for location of the newmod directory, so I > tried to override that to a local copy. No joy - same error. > There was someone on this list in 2014 named PEEL Luke who said he had > gr_modtool working on Windows - I would like to know the steps. > Also stuck here for now. > > Did some further digging and learned that the windows binaries that I > downloaded were just recently assembled (i.e. prior to spring of 2016 you > had to build it yourself), so not surpisingly the OOT stuff hasn't been > tackled yet. Also, the hoops he had to jump through were many and varied > including numerous dependencies, so I'm not confident that I could figure > it out just by hacking along. > > So, I still wanted to try creating a GRC block. I created a VM (Ubuntu > 16.04) and installed the whole GR stuff there. Next I'll try that tutorial > again. > > Jake > > > > Message: 4 > > Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 14:15:41 +0200 > > From: Marcus M?ller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com> > > To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org > > Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] OOT Block on Windows feasible? > > Message-ID: <576fc76d.9040...@ettus.com> > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252" > > > > Hi Gavin, > > > > http://tutorials.gnuradio.org > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Discuss-gnuradio mailing list > Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio > >
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