Hi Ben,

Thanks for the feedback.

1. I have created a new repo for the Pybombs frontend on Gitlab [1]
recently. During my weekly interaction sessions with Martin, we have
decided to make the gui-frontend installable from pybombs-cli itself.
Initially, I had plans on integrating the gui-frontend with the
pybombs, but GUI being a personal preference, it was decided to have
it as a separate project.

2. I am using a table view as demo'ed in the screencast, which has a
'Status' column that indicates whether the package is already
installed or not.

3. Currently, the pybombs' recipe manager uses a technique to handle
the prefix specific recipes (if that's what you mean by private
recipes). I am planning to include a Recipe manager dialog to the UI,
which address this need.

4. The UI definitely displays the documentation and dependencies. I
have included a 'Module Info' dialog which generate the dependencies
based on the recipe. On the documentation front, I have still not
decided whether to provide links to the module's CGRAN page or fetch
the Manifest file from each project during runtime to display the
information (handling screenshots/images in the dialog can be a
problem in the second case).

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Ben Hilburn <bhilb...@gnuradio.org> wrote:
> Hi Ravi -
> Thanks for the update! I really appreciate you going through the effort of
> posting a screencast, as well.
> A few questions:
> Where is the repository that you are pushing your code to?
> I think it would be useful if the UI indicated which packages were already
> installed. You may be planning for this, already.
> How will the UI handle private recipe lists?
> Will the UI give any information regarding the dependencies of the packages?
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Ben
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 1:26 AM, Ravi Sharan
> <bhagavathula.ravisha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have written a small blog post [1] on my weekly progress for the
>> PyBOMBS and CGRAN integration project which I am working on for GSoC.
>> Also, I have recorded a small screencast [2] on the progress so far
>> with the GUI. I will be happy to receive any feedback and suggestions
>> on the GUI design. Thanks in advance.
>> Cheers,
>> Ravi
>> [1] - http://ninjacomics.github.io/radioblogr/2016/06/gsoc_week2_3.html
>> [2] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVN534cHtm4
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