Hi there, 

I've been playing around with message passing and stream tags as a beginner and 
am trying to allow the centre frequency of my USRP be changed via message 
passing command based on some basic if statements.

I made a conceptual system where when my custom sink block receives a 
propagated stream tag (rx_freq from the USRP). It enters the IF statement which 
then passes a message to USRP source to change its frequency. 

It looks something like this:

        std::vector<tag_t> tags;
        pmt::pmt_t command = pmt::cons( // Make a pair
        pmt::mp("freq"), // Key is 'freq' => sets the frequency
        pmt::mp(98.8e6)); // Set the frequency to 1.1 GHz
        if (tags.size()>0)
        double b = pmt::to_double(tags[0].value);
        cout << b << endl;

When I first start the flow graph, even if my default frequency is something 
arbitrary e.g. 200mhz, the stream tag on startup sends the command and the USRP 
recentres to 98.8MHz. So far so good...

I also have QT gui variable which allows me to change the frequency of USRP 
using a slider. What I anticipated for this loop to do is when the slider is 
moved, it causes USRP  to change frequency which triggers its stream tag to 
propagate. Which then causes it tune back to 98.8.

Now the strange thing is when my sink block receives this message. It goes into 
the if loop, and sends the command. But it is completely ignored!! Could anyone 
tell me why this might be?

Many thanks,

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