Hi, all

I just hacked a bunch of scripts that help build a mirror site for
PyBOMBS repos.


It seems to work fine on my laptop now. So it will be very fast to
deploy on new computers using a local PyBOMBS mirror.

Hope it will help for anyone who also want to build a local mirror site.

The whole mirror is about 1.2GB. 
Ettus X300 stuff not included. It's about ~1GB extra.

You can add repos that you don't want to fetch into `ignore.urls`.
It will be passed through upstream.

Besides, you can define custom upstreams according to your network
condition into `pre-replace-upstream.urls` to gain better speed.

Any comments or pull requests are appreciated.

Wang Kang 
Blog: http://scateu.me 
Fingerprint: 011F 0492 97D6 5D75 8AC4 6458 D43F 3CE2 3353 B7BD 
HAM Callsign: BH1RLW

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