On 06/08/2016 10:07 AM, Raj Bhattacharjea wrote:
> The same flow graph and the same SDR hardware with the same settings and
> same drivers should produce the same results (if samples are not being
> dropped by the host computer or something else). That said, I've seen
> weird things like this pop up due to variations in the driver versions
> for the hardware between an embedded and desktop device.
> To figure out what's going on specifically, we'd have to see your
> flowgraph here to see if people can help. Also, providing GNU Radio
> version numbers and how you installed from source (git master some day
> in the past, git release tag checkout, release tarball, etc.) on both
> the Odroid and the netbook would help. Also maybe provide a link the the
> Odroid Forum discussion for some context?

Thanks but it turned out to be a pulseaudio problem.

I can hear the sound now but it's choppy. I tried two different baud
rates but it didn't help - then I ran out time. I'll try again next week.

I'm using the github master from about a week ago. And the latest github
releases of the libraries needed for gr-iqbal  and gr-osmosdr.

I'll see if I can find the posting on the Odroid forums.

> -- 
> Raj Bhattacharjea, PhD
> Georgia Tech Research Institute
> Information and Communications Laboratory
> http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~rb288/ <http://www.prism.gatech.edu/%7Erb288/>
> 404.407.6622

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