Hi Pavan,

I already answered on the list. But here goes my text again:
> Hi Pavan,
> 1)
> if you really just need one tone, try a sampling rate like 500kS/s,
> and transmit a constant. Use the offset tuning capabilities to put the
> tone away from the LO leakage, to avoid cancellation.
> 2)
> Yes. C++ blocks tend to be much much faster. The fact that you're
> seeing underruns proves that your PC couldn't keep up with the
> sampling rate you used.
> Best regards,
> Marcus

On 09.06.2016 19:19, Pavan Yedavalli wrote:
> I didn't receive a post acknowledgment, so just sending again! Sorry
> for the redundancy, if so.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Pavan Yedavalli* <psy2...@columbia.edu
> <mailto:psy2...@columbia.edu>>
> Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 9:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Multiplying the inputs with a
> scalar/vector in my own block
> To: GNURadio Discussion List <discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> <mailto:discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>>
> Hi Marcus,
> Thanks for getting back to me. This seems to make sense, but I guess
> wrt your suggestions for moving forward:
> (1) You said a bit of trial and error would be good. Can I trial and
> error with my sample rate? This is the value in the USRP sink block
> and on the signal sources, correct (see attachment)? And just to be
> clear, this is /sample/ rate, and not /clock/ rate, correct? So, I
> should try to reduce that from 1 MHz to something smaller just to see
> what would happen? Since my application isn't driven on samples of
> data, I don't believe I need a high sampling rate - I just want a
> single tone to be transmitted with no data, so I think I'm okay with
> the sampling rate being smaller. Is this one approach to take? I guess
> I'm not sure how to determine what would be a good sample rate for my
> application. Is there a decent rule of thumb?
> (2) Are you suggesting that I do my created block in C++ instead of
> Python, and if so, could I still use GRC/python to use the block in
> the overarching system? Speed clearly is an issue, but I didn't think
> (know?) that my requirements of sample rate was so high. I guess I
> will try (1) first and see whether my application functions the way I
> want it to with a trial/error of low sample rate, but if it doesn't
> and I need to have a high sample rate, then I will move toward
> implementing the block in C++. Is that a reasonable approach moving
> forward?
> Thank you again for your patience and help.
> -- 
> Pavan
> -- 
> Pavan
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