Thanks for pointing this out, Stefan. When I ran Arch some years ago, I
remember running into similar problems with a previous GCC update. I also
seem to remember something about Arch and Python3? Anyway, most OSes move
significantly slower than Arch does when it comes to updating compiler &
interpreter versions. Obviously we will need to fix these eventually,
though, so it's good to know about them.

I think your suggestion of setting the C++ standard in CMake is a good one,
and is probably something that we should be tracking more publicly. Thanks
for making the suggestion!


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Stefan Wunsch <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> gcc6 uses std=gnu++14 as default (compared to std=gnu++98 up to gcc5.3)
> [0]. This causes a lot of warnings during building gnuradio due to the
> deprecated auto_ptr (unique_ptr is the way to go now) and gr-zeromq
> fails building completely.
> Probably the used c++ standard should be set in cmake?
> I know that this is currently not a real bug. At the moment this is only
> a problem on Arch Linux (repos updated last month on gcc6). Fyi, here is
> the gcc development plan [1].
> Greetings,
> Stefan
> [0]
> [1]
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