Hi Federico,

I don't know if that will help much, but:
> volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f(&mag_sq_b[0], &b[0], N); // mag_sq_b =
> |b|^2
Maybe doing it in-place, i.e.
> volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f(&[0], &b[0], N); // b = |b|^2
might be even faster; just don't forget that you're then treating the
first half of b as floats instead of complexes.

I just realized there's the __mm_rcp_ps SSE1 intrinsic... maybe that
complex/complex VOLK kernel is closer than I thought.

On 13.05.2016 20:59, Federico Larroca wrote:
> Thank you Andy. However, I only need the division, although this is
> indeed a good idea if more operations were needed.
> So far, I've applied the following lines with some significant savings
> (w.r.t. a loop):
> volk_32fc_x2_multiply_conjugate_32fc(&c[0], &a[0], &b[0], N); // c =
> a*conj(b)
> volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f(&mag_sq_b[0], &b[0], N); // mag_sq_b =
> |b|^2
> volk_32f_x2_divide_32f(&inv_mag_sq_b[0], &ones[0], &mag_sq_b[0], N);
> // inv_mag_sq_b = 1/|b|^2, since I've previously defined ones as an
> array containing N ones.
> volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc(&out[0], &c[0], &inv_mag_sq_b[0], N); //
> out = c*inv_mag_sq_b = a*conj(b)/|b|^2 = a/b
> The idea of using VOLK's pow operator is significantly slower.
> I've also experienced interesting performance improvements by
> simplifying some for loops not amenable to VOLK, as suggested by
> Marcus. On the other hand, I'm crazy enough to try to implement a VOLK
> kernel that performs the division. I've just started, don't know if
> I'll be successful, but guess I'll learn something anyhow.
> best
> Federico
> 2016-05-13 15:14 GMT-03:00 Andy Walls <a...@silverblocksystems.net
> <mailto:a...@silverblocksystems.net>>:
>     On Thu, 2016-05-12 at 16:24 -0400,
>     discuss-gnuradio-requ...@gnu.org
>     <mailto:discuss-gnuradio-requ...@gnu.org>
>     wrote:
>     > Date: Wed, 11 May 2016 16:09:56 -0300
>     > From: Federico Larroca
>     > To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <mailto:discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
>     > Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] VOLK division between complexes
>     > Hello everyone,
>     > We are on the stage of optimizing our project (gr-isdbt). One of the
>     > most consuming blocks is OFDM synchronization, and in particular the
>     > equalization phase. This is simply the division between the input
>     > signal and the estimated channel gains (two modestly big arrays of
>     > ~5000 complexes for each OFDM symbol).
>     > Until now, this was performed by a for loop, so my plan was to
>     change
>     > it for a volk function. However, there is no complex division in
>     VOLK.
>     > So I've done a rather indirect operation using the property that
>     a/b =
>     > a*conj(b)/|b|^2, resulting in six lines of code (a multiply
>     conjugate,
>     > a magnitude squared, a deinterleave, a couple of float divisions and
>     > an interleave). Obviously the performance gain (measured with the
>     > Performance Monitor) is marginal (to be optimistic)...
>     > Does anyone has a better idea?
>     I have a different idea, but I doubt it is better.  The transformation
>     w = Log (z) = ln|z| + jArg(z)
>     transforms multiplication, division, power and root operations into
>     addition, subtraction, multiplication and division  operations
>     respectively.
>     So if c = Log(a), d = Log(b), then a/b = Exp(c-d) .
>     If along with your complex division, you also have a lot of additional
>     complex multiplcation, power, and/or (real) root operations to
>     perform,
>     then the transform *might* give you a savings.  A savings would
>     also be
>     more likely, if you don't need to invert the transformation at the end
>     (i.e. no need for z = Exp(w)).
>     Regards,
>     Andy
>     >  Implementing a new kernel is simply out of my knowledge scope.
>     > Best
>     > Federico
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