On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com>

> Hi Johnathan,
> blocks can't side effect each other except through really strictly
> controlled, well-defined ways
> ... and that was still very clear and dominant to the user under GR 3.4, I
> agree – then we "softened" that concept by adding stream tags, message
> passing, and if you look at things like the ofdm_rx.grc, you'll notice that
> there's extensive use of shared state through using the same equalizer
> object for payload and header and so on.

​The desire to minimize side effects between blocks is motivated by the
principle that block authors shouldn't have to know anything about the
other blocks they connect to or that are connected to them, and flowgraph
designers shouldn't have to know anything about how the internals of blocks
work other than their stated operation.​  This decoupling is crucial to the
building block approach to application design.

​There are five ways blocks can side-effect each other (and I've been
pushing to remove the fifth for a very long time):

1) Produce data on an output port in work() => causes downstream block
scheduler(s) to wake up and evaluate whether to run their own work()

2) Consume data on an input port in work() => causes upstream block
scheduler to wake up and evaluate whether to run its own work()

​3) Add/remove stream tags in work() => communicates out-of-band data
synchronous to a stream flow downstream

4) ​Post asynchronous messages to an output message port => queues the
message at listening blocks, causes their schedulers to wake up and call
registered message handler functions

5) Call a function on a block from another block or from a thread outside
GNU Radio

The nice thing about 1) through 4) is that they are all mediated by the
scheduler, and therefore are fire-and-forget actions that make it hard to
cause race conditions, deadlocks, or memory corruption.

With 5) the calling thread is always different than the called block's own
execution thread, so without adding synchronization primitives, it is very
easy to cause any of the above without a skilled understanding of
multithreaded programming.  Also, the calling code has to have some sort of
in memory pointer to the called block to call it as a function.

The shared object issue in ofdm_rx.grc (and elsewhere) is a result of
this--passing shared objects via function calls (constructors) between
different objects in different threads. It's not the greatest way to do
things, but a lot of that code was written before there was anything like a
message passing mechanism in GNU Radio and before we had much experience
with the stream tag mechanism.

In addition, calling functions on blocks requires that the caller and
callee be in the same process memory, limiting the flowgraph scope to a
single application running in one environment. The alternative is to
implement remote procedure calls and that way lies CORBA and madness (but I
repeat myself.)

We've been exploring the idea of using asynchronous messages instead of
function calls for a while now.  Several blocks can now have their
configuration parameters updated via a message port, and we just recently
added a QTGUI block that generates asynchronous messages when updated by
the user.  Also, QTGUI sinks can now have their display updated via
receiving async messages instead of stream ports.

An immediate consequence is that, if a block can only communicate or be
communicated with via a messages or stream(s)+tags, those are very easy to
extend to distributed flowgraphs in a way that is completely decoupled from
the blocks themselves.  Two blocks passing messages or stream tags to each
other can be on opposite sides of the Internet and only need to agree
themselves on what the messages mean, while the transport can be message
independent.  We're starting to get some experience with this in a purely
manual way with the ZMQ stream and message blocks.

​All this goes to say that there has been fundamental architectural
considerations in GNU Radio design that have driven its evolution, and even
more has to happen to evolve GNU Radio into more heterogeneous environments.

So, there's two conflicting opinions I have about that


> * The whole python variables/callback/GRC-generated code thing is great
> for ad-hoc GUI things, but it has led to numerous cases of people being in
> confusion on how to make blocks "talk" to each other. It's unclean, and
> maybe we should look into how we can reduce usage of that in favour of
> replacing it either by explicit application of e.g. message passing, or
> implicit RPC (which we'd still have to come up with a consistent method
> for).

​Yes, as outlined above.​

> OK. Time for lucid dreaming:

​I need a little time to think through what you have written.  Agree it is
ripe for discussion.​

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