Hi Marcus,

> Not at all!
> Sorry, I was taking pictures of hardware and hence just took one for
> the GRC too.  As I showed in previous picture, I am only using RX-B. I
> am not sure how to connections will be for dual mode, but currently I
> am just using one. I get complex values in the GRC and I can plot
> complex FFT of them
> http://postimg.org/image/a69avcfrl/

> This is my setup where i am extracting signals from Powerline using RX-B
pin of the daugterboard
There are two *different* projects :
a) I want to understand the powerline channel
b) I want to transmit and receive signals on the channel

> I have a better picture[2] now :  <http://postimg.org/image/hptdrl2vl/>
> http://postimg.org/image/hptdrl2vl/
> Interesting! Why is there a time axis? I must admit those graphs look like
> they took some effort to create; really, a clean drawing on paper would
> have been as good for me, but thanks.

I am showing the spectrogram when I set center freq at 125 kHz  0 kHz.
I am trying to show what I am getting from the channel

>> And, as I mentioned in IRC when I asked for them, it is important to
>> define wheter you're doing I&Q or real sampling.
> I am dong I&Q sampling as shown in [1]. By real sampling, I suppose
> you meant that I am taking  magnitude before feeding to the Spectrogram.
> No, I didn't mean that.
> I mean: Is the signal you *want* to observe a single voltage signal
> varying over time, or is it an I & Q signal pair?
> The signal in (a) is the EMI on the channel by various devices on the
I want to observe the I, Q samples on the channel.
The GRC pic showed the complex datatype of USRP source and I assume that it
is giving me IQ samples from channel on RX-B pin.
Please let me know if I am incorrect ?
If I had set real data type of USRP source block or complext to mag in
front of complex datatype of USRP source block, I would have got real
signals ... according to my current understanding.

> It's no use discussing any of your question until we know whether we're
>> looking at a complex equivalent baseband or at a real signal.
> I am doing complex baseband as in the picture.
> I'm not convinced you actually are in both cases! That's why I'm asking :)
Okay, I assumed I am doing since I am using complex datatype of USRP source
and just changing the center frequency and sample rate.
Either both case i am doing complex baseband or I am doing it in neither,
because changing center frequency shouldn't make a difference.

> My question was related
> to the sampling. I thought doing sampling (complex baseband as shown
> in GRC)
> OK, we need to talk about sampling:
> Sampling takes place where your analog signal becomes a series of digital
> numbers, in the ADC of the N210. That is before you digitally tune to e.g.
> 125 kHz. The LF and Basic daughterboards don't have tuners!
> in 250kHz at center frequency 125kHz is equavelent to doing
> 500kHz, with center frequency 0Hz  using LFRX.
> That really really depends! It depends on whether you want to observe a
> single real signal or an I&Q signal pair. So: what do you want to observe?

In a) I want to observe the channel EMI
In b) I am transmitting real signal on one side and able to decode a signal
on the other side.
The TX setup is exactly the same  as above, just with a different
daugtercard which transmits, receives at center freq 1 MHz.

> So here's the problem I'm having with your original question:
> You said
> I want to sample first 250KHz on the channel.
> But: What *are* the first 250 kHz?
> If you're just sampling a real signal with a single ADC, then obviously,
> you get a real-valued stream of samples, and to cover the bandwidth of 0 Hz
> – 250 kHz you will need to sample at  500 kHz.

I don't get " a real signal" ?
There is one single ADC per LFRX card's RX pin that will give complex
values with a Complex USRP source right from the each RX pins  ?
I am using RX-B, hence I should be receiving complex samples from channel
with complex USRP source.
Please correct me, because that is what i think.

> If we're talking about complex baseband, I'd define (and that's purely
> something that I like, not something that is uniformly defined somewhere)
> the "first 250 kHz" to be the spectrum from -125 kHz – +125 kHz, because
> those 250 kHz correspond to the 250 kHz bandpass signal "closest" to the
> center frequency of your down-mixer. To get those 250 kHz, your ADC will
> need to run at 250 kHz, but it will need to produce one I and one Q sample
> simultaneously.
> I would definitely want to understand what am I getting with the current
GRC pic.
I think it is complex baseband. Please correct me.

> You can configure the N210 carrying a Basic or LF board into either mode –
> real sampling of up to two channels, and complex sampling of an I&Q pair
> that you feed into the two SMA connectors on the daughterboard.

Does this mean, I need to use both SMA pins to get the complex samples and
I am currently getting real samples ?

> We really need to understand what you *want* to be doing!

As I explained above, I want quadrature samples from the channel, which I
think I am doing in my GRC and the setup pic.

It might be best to know how to get both - real or complex setup.
I would like to do complex baseband always  and do processing on the
received data file as part of analysis, and not restrict to real sampling.

> So, I really don't know what literature you've got access to – if you have
> access to the scriptum for a communication theory introduction, that might
> be a good start.
> I have read some chapters from Oppenheim but I am still not clear what is
practically going on in my system.

I really appreciate your time for helping me,
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