The GNU Radio project is pleased to announce the addition of a new
community resource for our users and developers to collaborate. We’ve
created an organization on Slack, the team communications application

The project management and core developers have been trialling this for
several weeks with a mostly positive experience, and we’d now like to open
it up to the GNU Radio community at large.

Slack is accessible via desktop application, web, or mobile app, and takes
full advantage of the capabilities of each to allow text, multimedia, and
notifications in real time. We’ve found it very useful as our team has
grown in both people and time zones.

We’ve been able to integrate Slack with our existing IRC channel #gnuradio
on Freenode, so community members will be able to use either one to gain
access to the common channel shared between both. IRC has long been an
important meeting place for the project, and our hope is that the Slack
integration will allow us to increase the number and ways developers can
interact with us, and improve the ease with which people can participate in
the community.

Access to the GNU Radio Slack is set up via an email invite you can have
automatically generated by visiting:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ben Hilburn, Project Lead

Johnathan Corgan, Chief Architect

The GNU Radio Project - The Free & Open Software Radio Ecosystem
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