On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Alexander Levedahl <
alexanderleved...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The OS is RHEL6.5.  I have to download and install packages manually.
> This is not something I can get around.
> The GnuRadio version is  I am trying to upgrade our version of
> gnuradio.  We have a GUI that I have to make extensive modifications to and
> decided to switch from Wx to Qt since that is the recommended path going
> forward.
> pkg-config does not report anything for qwt.  Does the line
> find_package(Qwt) in the gr-qtgui/CMakeLists.txt check the pkg-config list?

No, QWT does not install a .pc file (and I've no idea why they won't).

> Currently I have qwt6.1.2 installed.  The directory qwt-6.1.2 was
> installed in /usr/local/lib64/.  There is a shared object in there.  I made
> a symlink to one of them from a directory in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Do you have the devel package installed, too? That is, the header files in
/usr/local/include? You can try to add this to the cmake command line to
force them to be found:


(I'm assuming that's the correct include path based on your library path.)

> At the moment, I think I will hold off on installing PyQwt since it is
> unnecessary per Tom, and I do not need it.

Yes, don't worry about that.

Final thought. Have you tried to install GNU Radio using PyBOMBS? I know
the original PyBOMBS worked fine on older RedHat installations, though I'm
not positive that anyone's tried the new version on it.


> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Tom Rondeau <t...@trondeau.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 9:40 AM, Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> yes, Qwt is necessary; what OS are you on?
>>> Qwt is kind of a problem child; we need Qwt-qt4, in a version somewhere
>>> between 5.2 and 6.2.0.
>>> If you're on Linux (which distro?), what does
>>> pkg-config --list-all|grep -i qwt
>>> tell you¹?
>>> When do you get that error, and could you share it with a bit of context
>>> in verbatim?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marcus
>>> ¹ Mine tells me there's
>>> qwt5-qt4                            qwt5-qt4 - Qt Widgets for Technical
>>> Applications
>>> qwt                                 Qwt6 - Qt Widgets for Technical
>>> Applications
>>> qwtmathml                           qwtmathml - Qwt MathML renderer
>> Yes, QWT is required, but PyQWT is no longer necessary. What version of
>> GNU Radio are you trying to build?
>> The gr_filter_design tool still uses PyQWT, so you won't be able to run
>> that, but gr-qtgui can be built and run fine without it.
>> Tom
>>> On 31.03.2016 15:31, Alexander Levedahl wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I was able to install PyQt.  When I attempted to build gnuradio, it
>>> complained that it could not find PyQwt and refused to build the gr-qtgui
>>> component.  The gnuradio website gives the impression it is not necessary.
>>> When I attempted to install Qwt, I got an error QT_STATIC_CONST.  I believe
>>> that is a necessary step to installing PyQwt.
>>> Is PyQwt necessary to install the gr-qtgui component?  If so, has anyone
>>> experienced this issue before?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex
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