On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 4:56 AM, Geof Nieboer <gnieb...@corpcomm.net> wrote:

> Ankit,
> OK, thanks.  Please, when you reply to emails, ensure that the
> "discuss-gnuradio" email address is included so the discussion can be seen
> on the mailing so it will help others.
> So I would recommend adding some WX GUI components to your audio
> tone signal flow graph, and see if they work correctly (Like a WX FFT
> Sink).  It looks like a problem with WX.  If it does work, continue adding
> components to the simple flow graph to make it more like your larger one,
> until you can see which one fails.
> If WX fails right away, take it off, switch the top_block to QT GUI mode,
> then add a Qt GUI component instead, and see if that works.  If QT is
> working, then perhaps you can replicate the block from the tutorial with QT
> components.  Most of the basic components come in either QT or WX flavors.
> If you post the ".grc" file I will run it on my Windows install and see
> how it works.
> Geof

Also know that we /strongly/ recommend you use QTGUI and move away from
using the WX widgets. We switched the default GRC option to set up for
using QT at this point, too. They should be your natual, go-to GUI
instrumentation tools.


> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 4:17 AM, Ankit Saharia <sahari...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thankyou sir for taking the time and responding to my email . I would
>> like to apologize for the language i used before.
>> 1) I followed the 16 steps that was given in the website:
>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2013-12/msg00497.html
>> It started off with downloading of python followed by the installation of
>> the python extension packages which i downloaded from the website:
>> http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyqwt
>> This method was used to install GNURadio.
>> 2) The file "My actual project" attached below is the screenshot of the
>> GRC file.
>> Sir,I am currently a Final year student pursuing my B.Tech in Electronics
>> and Communication Engineering from VIT University,Vellore,India.For our
>> final year project we have to choose a research paper and work on it.
>> So i have chose a research paper on GNURadio.
>> Hence the block made in the GRC file was taken entirely from the research
>> paper attached below.
>> 3) I made a file with signal source,throttle and a audio sink to check
>> whether the files where executing or not.So after i pressed the execute
>> button a beep sound was heard so i found out the execution of files is done
>> properly.
>> I tried to open a example saved in the GNURadio folder but again the same
>> error was shown after the top block was generated.
>> I am not able to understand what the error is.
>> Thankyou
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